Positions (1)

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Preeta, the alpha dorm manager, introduced a new alpha roommate for Carlos. The lady was a very strict Indian witch who was a priestess of Goddess Kali. Nobody dared mess with her, and even Amanda approved of her disciplinary methods. Carlos thought that this was it for him. After too many violations, he would be evicted from the Academy.

Instead, the new roommate Preeta introduced made Carlos wonder why the Academy was giving him so many chances.

"You're not kicking me out?" he asked, and the dorm manager raised a brow.

"Apart from sleeping around, you didn't violate any other rules. It's annoying but not fatal. Shen Long was a tougher case, and he was assigned a watcher. Similarly, your new roommate is your watcher. Mr Wolfe will report any misconduct by you to me, so don't even think about running away. You shouldn't underestimate the wolf's sense of smell and hunting instincts."

The cheetah alpha felt his jaw drop. She couldn't be serious, right? A wolf and a cheetah living in the same room as roommates? He couldn't accept it! Even a large dog was still a dog! He was a large cat. It was unthinkable!

"I demand a change in watcher!" Carlos quickly objected, but Preeta only smirked.

"Good luck appealing for a change to the principal. I'm sure she would be happy to remind you about the rules that you've broken, including the ones you thought we wouldn't find out."

At that, Carlos shut up. Preeta could be very scary if she wanted to. While she was a priestess, she was also a talented witch who mastered the art of dark and holy magic. Crossing her would result in a very painful and humiliating punishment. After receiving the disciplinary stigma from Preeta for violating dormitory rules and sneaking a particular blind bat demon, Carlos learned not to upset her.

After the alpha dorm manager left, Carlos' new roommate introduced himself as Wilson Wolfe.

"So you are the lone wolf alpha that the omegas have been talking about!" Carlos grinned. "I heard that you were Luna hunting. Omegas would line up for their turn to spread their legs for you. What's your favourite type?"

The blunt remark made Wilson narrow his eyes. "That's none of your business," he replied curtly, shooting down any thought of continuing the conversation.

With that, both alphas glared at each other coldly. Carlos didn't like this person at all. At least Ruo Han and Bruce didn't give him that condescending look. Sure, he knew he was a major asshole. However, Wilson looked at him like a disgusting bug even if he didn't do anything that warranted this treatment. How did such a disagreeable chap become a watcher? If anything, Carlos thought that Wilson was the one who needed a watcher instead. How unlucky!

As the lone wolf unpacked, he could feel the piercing glare aimed at his back. When he first signed up for watcher duty to get Amanda's consent for a special mate registration contract, he didn't think that he would have to put up with such a huge nuisance. Carlos was the definition of embarrassment for all alphas. Unlike Wilson, who fought to be in his position, Carlos was the kind of fortunate bastard to simply have things fall into his lap and throw it away on a whim. He hated Carlos' privileged existence.

That night, neither roommate spoke to each other. Wilson chose to spend his time studying ahead of the curriculum while Carlos deliberately played his pornographic videos on maximum volume to annoy his disagreeable roommate.

"Let's see how he concentrates with this on," Carlos smirked inwardly. "I don't believe in goody two shoes. There must be something worth blackmailing him with!"

For two whole hours, Carlos continued to play annoyingly obscene videos on maximum volume. He didn't believe that Wilson could tolerate it or concentrate with such things playing in the background. However, the curfew hour rolled by. By that time, Wilson completed two assignments even after Carlos attempted to distract him.

"It's time for lights out," he told the cheetah calmly. "You should prepare to go to bed soon."

With that, Wilson left the room to use the bathroom, and Carlos blinked dumbly. Even after two hours, Carlos was starting to become bored with Wilson's lack of response. The alpha wolf simply treated it as some kind of background noise at the cafeteria and even made good progress with his work. Carlos had never met anyone in his life like this before. The nonchalance was shocking, and he wondered if the lone wolf had any issues with his lower half. Unlike Ruo Han, he doubted that this person practised abstinence.

Irritated with such a tightwad for his watcher, Carlos lost all interest in jerking off tonight. He'd rather not get into any trouble on the first day with his watcher, so Carlos dropped it and prepared for bed. Preeta could be extremely scary, and Carlos didn't want to experience the punishment stigma a second time. It was mortifying enough the first time.

When Wilson returned to the room, Carlos was already tucked in bed with his back facing him. The cheetah was in a foul mood, and the lone wolf smirked. If Carlos thought that such a childish and petty thing could annoy him, he was sorely mistaken. Amanda already let him know what kind of person Carlos was. If the cheetah wanted to get under his skin, he should try a little harder.

For an alpha, Wilson didn't think Carlos was very smart. In fact, the way Carlos tried to get rid of him could be considered cute. Playing porn at maximum volume and thinking it would distract him was very much like a middle-schooler who thought that losing one's virginity was cool. Wilson highly doubted that Carlos knew more than just putting it in a hole and rubbing one out. Such superficial porn wouldn't turn him on. If Carlos truly wanted to distract him, he should have dressed up in ropes and stuck a butt plug.

Too bad the cheetah wasn't an omega. Wilson would have enjoyed breaking such a rebellious and stubborn person in.

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