Positions (15)

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As expected, Carlos did not wake up in a rosy mood when he found out how Wilson seized the opportunity to snuggle in their sleep. That was far too intimate, and while the werecat didn't hate it, he wasn't used to this kind of closeness.

Wilson woke up alone and late for lessons because a grumpy werecat turned it off. The note stuck onto his desk containing nothing but a childish drawing of a cat sticking its tongue out naughtily and pulling at an eye made the stoic werewolf laugh. Carlos had some cute sides to him, and Wilson loved them very much.

Seeing that he was already late, there was no harm in taking his time. There was still about forty minutes before his next lesson. He could afford to miss the first class and catch the second one.

As he folded his blanket, Wilson paused. The omega classes started later than the alpha classes. Seeing that he was already late, shouldn't he make use of this opportunity to catch hold of a particular busy bunny?

He took one look at the note and paused just as he was about to throw it into the trash bin. For some reason, he didn't want to get rid of this childish note that stuck out like a sore thumb. As a minimalist, Wilson did not have a habit of collecting things that did not serve any practical purpose. However, saving this note in his pocket did not count as hoarding, right? After all, it was just one note. It would be gone by the end of the day.

It wasn't very difficult to find where Rusty was for the day. He didn't change his business locations very often because the word got around very quickly among his regular customers. All Wilson had to do was look for an alpha loitering outside a rarely used common building. There were very few such buildings.

"Halt," the alpha guard stopped Wilson before he could push the door open. "What business do you have?"

Wilson raised a brow. "My business is with Rusty. Is he currently tending to an appointment, or are you just waiting in line?"

The double meaning made the alpha on guard glare at Wilson, but the werewolf wasn't affected. In terms of prestige, this alpha couldn't even touch him. Very few alphas were capable of becoming a threat to him. Ruo Han, Shen Long, Michael were some of the few exceptions, but everyone else was inferior in his eyes.

With a handsome smirk, Wilson brushed past the alpha guard and walked inside.

The smell of sweat and sex was strong in the air, but it was stale. It hadn't been aired out in a while, and it was obvious what the room was repurposed into. Who would think that the old theatre prop storage room would be used as a location to get steamy? Wilson looked around. There was some really kinky shit in this room that gave him inspiration. Those wired hooks looked very nice, but Wilson digressed. He wasn't here for this today.

Rusty, who was napping, woke up with a start when someone entered the room. Didn't he tell the clients not to disturb him during nap times? Did they want to get banned? Or was this the alpha guard outside wanting to feel up some? Rusty swore he sucked that man dry last night, which was the only reason why Rusty chose him as his afternoon guard today.

"Didn't I say not to disturb me during the afternoon naps?"

Wilson chuckled at Rusty's annoyed tone. He couldn't think of anyone else more perfect for the job.

"Sorry to disturb you, but I promise it would be worth your time. I'm Wilson Wolfe, and I came with a business proposal that would benefit you greatly."

Hearing that his client was a very famous and rich alpha, Rusty rubbed his sleepy eyes and paid attention. "How much are we talking about?"

Wilson smirked. He liked this attitude - cold, impartial and objective. Rusty was perfect. Even in a three-way relationship, there wouldn't be any misunderstanding about each other's feelings. Rusty wasn't interested in romance, only money.

"Enough to resolve your whole family situation and give you a life of luxury. You can send all twenty-four siblings for education all the way to university if you want. You know my net worth can offer you that."

Rusty blinked. "It's twenty-six now. My parents just gave birth to a new batch of younger siblings. The protection broke while I was in the academy, so I might have more siblings by the time I graduate."

Wilson laughed. "One or two more doesn't matter to me. I don't care if it is a hundred more either. If you enter a contract with me, I will take care of your family financially. No limits on credit terms, no interest, no returns needed."

When a deal sounded too good to be true, it usually was. Rusty wasn't quick to accept. He was highly cautious, but everyone knew Wilson Wolfe. He didn't deal with people he wasn't interested in. You couldn't get a single cent from him if he doesn't think you were worthy. On the other hand, if he wants something, nobody can stop him from getting it. Money wasn't the only thing Wilson had. It was a mystery why he attended the Time Cross Academy. Many people said he was here to look for a mate, but Rusty didn't think it was true. After all, this lone wolf shot down anyone who approached him and the omegas who successfully caught his attention had their memories eaten. Rusty didn't want to end up like them.

"What's the catch?"

Wilson pulled out the contract from his pocket, and the note that Carlos scribbled on fell out. Rusty wanted to pick the crumpled note with a terrible drawing, but Wilson snatched it quickly, tucking it safely back into his pocket. The rabbit werebeast could not help but be curious about it. Was that drawn by Wilson's lover?

"Something you'd be good at," Wilson told him. "A purely contractual mate registration. I will require heirs, but my lover is barren. You will continue to use your body to earn your keep. Anytime my partner or I want to indulge in bedroom activities that involve you, you need to participate. It is an exclusive three-way contract. Once you accept, I will not permit any outsiders to touch you without our consent. In return, I will take care of your financial burdens. You're free to do anything you want if you fulfil these two criteria."

The drafted contract stated exactly what Wilson said but in more complicated terms. Rusty flipped to the back and raised a brow. Giving Wilson heirs is one thing. Giving his partner heirs is another. Becoming a legal mate but not a clan Luna is weird. For werewolves, their registered mates of alphas were usually Lunas. Rusty had many questions, but there was no reason to reject such a good offer.

"How many heirs do you need?"

Wilson raised a brow. "I just want to repopulate my clan. How compatible are you with a canine breed?"

Rusty shrugged. "We might need to do tests for that. It would be a shame if I couldn't birth you strong wolf heirs. You know how rabbits are herbivores. We breed a lot, but many of our young don't survive till adulthood. Even so, we have fragile health."

Wilson agreed. He thought about it as well. However, he had a feeling Rusty's stubborn character would make him different from ordinary weak-willed rabbit werebeasts. He was only an omega in genetics. If given the opportunity, Rusty would never lose to an alpha. Similarly, Carlos would have made a good omega if he wasn't hardwired to become an alpha from a young age.

"I will ask Dr Iason to schedule a health check-up for you. Once we get the result, let me know your response."

With no more reason to remain, Wilson left a copy of the contract for Rusty to think it over as he returned. He had a wildcat to catch and punish for misbehaving in the morning.

ABO Anthology: Time Cross AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now