032 ▍aokiji, the blue pheasant

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- the oceanic metropolis

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A CALL from the den den mushi rang throughout the main, kurose being the only one present inside the mansion because everyone was already boarding the ship to sail to water seven.

"hello?" he answered not really caring on who called. "kurose. . ." his eyes widen, hearing robins voice from the other side. "robin! it's been a while, why'd you called?"

a pregnant pause before robin finally took her shot in asking her question. kurose inwardly smirked. "have you ever sailed in the sky island?" was her question. the male knew that robin can clearly see his smirk from the den den mushi, "does. . . why does [name] know the ancient language??!" she added.

the swordsman sighed as his expression tensed, he glared. "i'm not the right person for you to ask, robin. unfortunately for you, cap's a bit busy, maybe ask her when you see her in person next time." with that he hung up, leaving robin clearly dissapointed.

"robin-swaan? is everything alright?"

"ah. . yes."

"kuro?" your voice echoed through the main hall, making person being called turn your direction. "ah 'cap, is something wrong?" your vice captain asked.

"i thought i heard a den den mushi ring?"

he chuckled and shook his head, "no den den mushi rang, [name]." he replied, making you dismissed what you heard.

"did you get everything? we're heading out." when he nodded you shrugged and walked out with the others leaving kurose to inform the rest who will be left in the island that they'll be leaving.

he signed and looked back at the baby dende mushi on his hand. nico robin, you still have a lot to know. [name] knows information that even we, her crew, never got a hold of and probably will stay like that in the future.

"are we all on board?" you asked in general.

it was around seven in the evening, when you board the ship. ye planning to leave in the evening, wouldn't be called the midnight pirates if they move in the day, would they?

"aye!" everyone aboard exclaimed, some already laughing and shouting. some even already took out a few wines in the cellar, little bit too excited.

"well then, unfurl the sails! we're heading out!" the bell was sounded at your command as the sails were opened up.

it will most probably few days to go to the other side of the grand line but it's alright. the eternal pose was settled beside the helm where azure si currently stationed at. he sterns the wheel while laughing to the jokes that was said by the other members that he probably overheard.

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