041 ▍dark justice

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- the oceanic metropolis

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THE NIGHT became nothing more than a known pirate crew observing a fight between a notorious assassins group of the world vs a group of shipwrights. 

and one by one attacked every one of the shipwrights. 

the events have all been triggered after paulie's talk with iceburg. it seems all has been going according to the cp9's plans. both paulie and iceburg have been forced into a corner.

noting but chaos is occuring inside the headquarters, bodies piling up in every hall. even kaku and lucci manage to fake their own corpse.

"this is a show that i wouldn't want to see, it's both organize and unorganize."

"looks like the strawhats lost their captain."

"what the hell. . .?"

not long after a den den mushi rang. . . "it's aleck."

"have we met before?" robin asked iceburg who was already wounded by a bullet from another masked figure robin came in with.

"last night was the first time. . but i had always. . . wanted to meet you. . ." icerberg'd voice was trailing off, trying his best to stay grounded as he still hasn't recovered from his injuries last night.

in a spur of a moment, both of them now point their guns at each other - with robin holding four due to her devil fruit.

"in order to kill me?"

"that is correct. before you. . . destroy the world!!" having a bit of amusement in this own words, "seeking, studying, and deciphering the true history. . . the world government had made doing so illegal a long time ago. . . as you probably already know. "

robin interjected, "how do you know about the true history?"

but icerberg ignored her question, "just knowing that the glyphs exist is not a crime, but in this world. there is only one person who can decipher it. . . and that is you!"

'am i really the only one though. . . what about that engraving in sky island. . .'

"that is the reason, since you were only eight years old. . . there has been a high bounty on your head. you are the only person in this world. . .that can resurrect the ancient weapons."

in the end, iceburg confessed to having a hold of the blueprint of the ancient weapon "pluton"

one of the three ancient weapons, pluton was built in the lands of waterseven, it is a highly advanced warship capable of mass destruction, to an extent that is is labeled as the World's Worst Battleship.

"what's happening? the call cut off before i can even call him back," you asked going back to your place. 

"the cp9 finally revealed themselves after realizing the blueprints were fake" kurose answered not sparing you a glance.

"so where are the real blueprints??"

"it's somewhere. . . mostly likely on someone."

a chorus of  'who' is heard.

"more specifically . . . FRANKY."

"you've known from the start, [name]?"

"of course, i know the both of them since i was young after all."

inside iceburg's bedroom, all of them have gathered - the strawhats, cp9, paulie, and iceburg himself.

"this is the justice we serve." lucci stated after attacking paulie once again. "i thought we were outnumbered, to be honest." his second statement, made the people around him confused.

"what are you talking about, lucci. . ." iceburg trailed off.

lucci turned to iceburg and his glare hardened, "ever since the day i stepped inside this headquarters of yours," he cut himself off to turn to a certain bounty poster, and it wasn't robin. "the first thing i see, is her poster."

"what. . ."

"who??" typical luffy.

"[name]'s. . .?"

"her face has been all over this head quarters like some sort of museum of her. every corner in this building has her poster, varying from the old to new." he paused to take a deep inhale, "just a mere photo of her churns my stomach."

"the chills i felt when i saw her yesterday. . . i never felt that way on someone ever." lucci turned to the opened window, the people around him followed suit, staring at whatever he was looking at. "and she's here, looking over, watching out every step. i don't know what she's up to, no one ever knows."

short chapter, type of a filler since i legit don't know what to write

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short chapter, type of a filler since i legit don't know what to write.

my mid year classes are kiling me alrdy

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