040 ▍shrouded in darkness

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- the oceanic metropolis

- the oceanic metropolis

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"THIS IS A WARNING TO EVERYONE ON THE ISLAND. AQUA LAGUNA IS APPROACHING. ALL SHIPYARDS IN WATER SEVEN ARE NOW OPEN AS SHELTERS FOR EVACUEES DURING THE STORM." announcement after announcement was blasted out of the speakers all over the city. people inthe lower level are sealing their doors and windows to prevent the high tide from entering their house, as this has been a normal phenomena to the residents of the said city.

despite this each member of the strawhats are still being hunted by the shipwrights along with some of the residents.

you have been wandering the city through the shadows, trying to find more clues. 'it's good that most of them have already evacuated.' you commented as you walked across the streets.

"let's go back to the hotel! we can't talk here." you hear a male's voice not far from you, due to curiosity you wento towards the origin of the voice. there you found none other than robin, a male with yellow hair, and then. . . a deer? reindeer????

"i'll tell you everything later. wait there. i'll come over to you." he was on the move but robin stopped him by saying no, "we're fine where we are."

"i won't go back with you." then went on to wanting to say her farewell along with admitting what she had done the night before. "i am shrouded in a darkness that you have no knowledge of. and that darkness will eventually be the death of you." declaring that the strawhats will be her scapegoat for the incident, she then proceeded to leave leaving the two crew of jumping into the water between them to have some more answers.

after robin left you followed her, seeing that she has gone through an alleyway to hide. you stand in front of her, appearing from nowhere in the other's perspective.

"what? [name]?!"she took a step back, clearly shaken up.

you removed you hood and smiled at her with half lidded eyes. "so this is what you have decided? after all that suffering?"

she glared at you, "you don't know what i've been through!"

"i thought we've gone through this discussion, i know what you've been through, i could might as well fit those shoes that you wear." rolling you eyes, you sat on a nearby barrel. "you're still scared aren't you?" crossing your legs along with you arms, as if judging her whole person.

"this is my decision, this is what i wan't!" your smile widened after hearing her statement, she clearly avoided your question. 

"alright alright, i have no right to change that. but is it really what you want?"

robin closed her eyes as if hesitating, then staring on the ground. ". . .yes." as she looked up, you were already gone.

she stared at your last spot, gulping down the fright that has been blocking her throat ever since the conversation started. "she was here all this time. . . " she whispered to herself, feeling weakness in her legs. 

from the rooftops, you observed robin's actions up until she left the alleyway. fixing you hood, you heard you baby den den mushi ring.


"aleck finally called back, he said he didn't need any assistance as of the moment and has been acting as a spy. he has not been captured and is still hiding in the shadows of enies lobby. he says he can handle himself and will keep us updated, and that he says hi."

you sighed hearing this, "that does not give up any clue on what do to at all. everyone gather around, we need more time to decide on this."

the wind has become more harsher than before, the tide is slowly rising. observing from the rooftops has been a habit ever since you've become a pirate, high places have been nothing but a hangout place to you (sorry to those who have a phobia of heights TT). 

only the shipwrights of the galley-la are the only ones outside of their headquarters, waiting for any glimpse of the pirate rookie.

kurose along with theo are with you, staring at the distant sea that is slowly starting to rise as the sun sets.

"their headquarters is as guarded as the impel down right now, eesh." theo commented. 

kuro chuckled and hummed in agreement, then turned to your direction, "isn't this a very convenient time? the town is in chaos, with aqua laguna and the pursuit of the strawhats."

"lucci will make a move, they made a big effort in joining the ranks in the shipyard. yes, this is a very convenient time."

theo laughed to himself, "to think, that didn't hesitate just because you're here."

"they're confident that i won't go after their plans most probably." feeling a lot of presence in the area, you turned towards the direction of the headquarters that could be seen in your location. the two males followed suit, also sensing what you're sensing. "they're all on the move."

a baby den den mushi rang, "is everyone ready?" asked from the other side of the call.

"robin. . . are you ready?"

"yes. . ."

"then i'm going to stir things up. the four of you . . . proceed as planned when you get  my signal"

not a second later when an explosion occurred just at the base of the headquarters.

not a second later when an explosion occurred just at the base of the headquarters

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we're almost at enies lobby!
and my summer break is almost over as well TT

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