031 ▍the golden bell

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IN THE past days, the strawhats have arrived and has been caught up with the war of skypiea. they got caught with the nets of the god, enel with his priests and the people who serves him. battles here and there.

they were met with the people of shandia, a tribe from skypiea as well. who also wanted to take back the land that enel took from them.  fortunately, gan fall is alive and was acting as a knight to help his people.

as robin was exploring the ruins she discovered the real location of the land of gold, but it was no longer there, courtesy to enel taking it all to build his ship that will bring him to fairy vearth or so he says.

enel discovered that there is still one piece of gold that he is yet to take and that was the bell that is supposed to be protected by the people of skypiea for a long time. luffy being luffy helped defeating the so called god himself.

and there it was the golden bell on top of the beanstalk. monkey d. luffy has rung the bell informing everyone who can hear it that the golden city has been there all along for 400 years, it was never gone.

you flinched, feeling something creeping on your spine. kurose turned to look at you and asked, "is something wrong?" blinking a few times, you shook your head no. "probably some cold air." you answered him. he didn't push it and looked back at mavis who is currently laying on the bed in the medic clinic.

"so tell me was happened after you escape from teach's clutches." mavis bit is lip inwardly, and took another deep breath. "i went to find cricket-san, and the strawhats was there inside his house with him. they wanted to go to the sky, skypiea i suppose." she answered.

"i see. . . !" your eyes widen realizing what happened. "they're heading to skypiea?" she nodded once again. you stood up and walked towards the window. kurose looking at you worriedly but kept quiet.

it can't be. . . the route they're taking! it's the same route we took. . . everything is happening once again. the cold on my spine. . . the bell has been rung! even though it's the same route, they did everything differently. 

you stared at the sky, eyes glossy. do you see what's happening captain?

finally after long years of losing the upper yard to enel, the people of skypiea took over and took back their stolen land. gan fall took baqck his place as god of the land. 

no aftermath of war would be done if there is no party is there? the 400 year war ended with laughter from both sides of the coin. it was not any normal party though, it lasted for days until every one practically dropped from exhaustion. 

alas the bell has been found and was majestic then ever. the people finally saw the bell that they have been protecting for more than a hundred years. 

robin took notice of the poneglyph attached to the golden bell and read it to the people, "we are the recorders of history existing in harmony with the sound of the great ball." was what the text in the ruins stated. while the poneglyph stated an ancient weapon poseidon.

robin disgregarded the mentions of the ancient weapon, same that was stated in alabasta the pluton. she was about to leave when the people took notice of more words written beside the poneglyph. words that alarmed robin.

"we came here, found the text, and followed its guidance."


"the pirate king. . . ! so he also came to the sky island. . . further more, he also know this ancient languange!?!"

more words were even below it, with small fonts but robin could still read it. it looked much more new than roger's text.

"i have came back to confirmed that the golden bell will still be here for the new generation. do not disregard, this will lead you to the right path. i am last person who holds the truth of the world, a veritas."


the black haired female squinted her eyes when reading the texts that was written in the ancient language as well. she also took note that there were scratched letters between [name]'s name and surname, it cannot be read. making her more curious.

"[name]?! she knew how to write in this anciet language?? how much does she know. . ."

ganfall spoke taking off the female's attention from the texts, "roger and [name] you said?" the god asked.

"do you know him?"

"20 years ago, there was such a guest on sky island. he said that he was a pirate of the blue sea. can he be the same person that carved the message? and if my memory served me right 10 years ago as well, someone sailed up here, [name] was what she introduced herself to be."

"perhaps. . . so that means the pirate king. . . along with [name] found these text 20 years ago. those carvings are proofs. it said that there are two kinds of tablets that holds texts like this ons. they are the tablet of clues and tablets of truths. this one is probably a tablet of clues." she reread the texts and processed. "can it be. . . that the true historical text is actually. . .!" calmly she assured the chief of the shandia that the piece of historical text has already served it purpose.

that means that i must follow the guidance given by the tablets i have read to far. to the ending point of the "grand line," laughtale!!

"miss. . . that boy wearing the straw hat. . . he reminds me of roger. are they related? or are my senses getting dull with age?" ganfall asked robin to which robin replied enthusiastically, "his name is monkey d. luffy. i think he is an interesting person."

"d? i see. they have the same initial. . . is that why they are so similar. . .? hahaha"

"you all are stubborn gurararara

"perhaps. . . or perhaps the connection between them is another lost history."


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i have no words for this one,
heads up the up coming
chapters will probably be
nonsense TT

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