037 ▍assassination

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- the oceanic metropolis

- the oceanic metropolis

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SILENCE CONSUMED iceburg's house as he was sipping his own drink while you munched on your slice of crepe cake.

"i know you what the three ancient weapons. . . " the blue haired man started making you stopped taking a mouthful of cake. "can i know, what the truth is? it has been years yet i hold it with little to no clue about what the truth is."

you placed the plate on you lap, staring at the male directly in the eyes. "do you really want to know, iceburg?" you can see the male gulping down the lump in his throat.

"i actually don't know how to tell you, if i have the right to-" you were cut of by a knock from the main entrance of the mansion.

the both of you stared at the direction of the door, iceburg turned to look at you to which you nodded, understanding what he wanted to tell you.

you can already sense who was at the door, two people. you ran upstairs, stopping in the middle of the staircase to observe what was going to happen.

iceburg opened the door as the two figures entered the house, one being robin and the other was unidentified having worn a mask. the words they exchange were unaudible, as if they were talking in a whisper tone. few seconds after you heard sounds that made you eyes widen, you heartbeat skipped for a second, you were out of breath.

then the door was shut closed.

a gun was shot.

"do you have a suspect?"

"give us latest information!!"

"who was the first to find out about the shooting!!?"

that was kurose heard throughout the upper level of the city. he was out to buy some things needed in the ship, requested by some of the crew.

he also wanted to look for you, as you never came back to the ship. no calls received by the den den mushi as well, the crew was worried. what worries him more is what happened to iceburg and you. where were you?

what happened after was, you stayed beside iceburg's side. having knowledge in the medical field you healed his wounds, but he was not walking up, he was in a comatose state. it was already morning when his constituents entered the scene, you told them what happened, excluding the rest of the details. hurriedly you left the mansion.

having no sleep since the night, which is not really a big deal as you are a pirate being awake in most times of the night has been quiet normal, of course the ship's doctor will disgree.

it was around five in the morning when you decided to just wait for the sunrise, jumping from roof to roof, calculating the perfect direction where the sun will rise.

leaning on a chimney of a random house that you felt the most perfect location to sight seeing. unfortunately you didn't get to witness the sun rise to its glory as you fell as sleep. valeria's sleeping therapy must have been affecting you these days.

ah yes, falling asleep on a random rooftop. though, you haven't even closed your eyes for an hour or so when kurose finally found the rooftop where you lay unbothered by the heat of the sun (valeria said the 7am sun is healthy so more vitamin D for you!).

"[name], wake up." being a light sleeper due to years of living in a ship and of course as a pirate.

openning one eye, you looked up to him, almost glaring at him for waking you up. he raised a brow at you, "why didn't you just go back to the ship?" he asked as he sat down beside you.

"this roof seemed cozy, that's why." you answered closing your eye once again. you could hear him sigh loudly at your answer. "so, what happened to iceburg?"

"cp9." was all you answered him, just what he expected. cp9 being all over the city grounds, something about their plans again, their deadly plans.

"do you know what their move this time?" he asked, standing up and collecting the things he just bought from the city market.

hearing his question, you finally decided it's time to wake up. you stood up as well, patting your clothes for invisible dust. "one of those three is here."

the captain of the strawhats. . . after losing to usopp, after losing a crew, they decided to rent a hotel in the city and stayed there for the meantime. morning approached them and was, of course, informed of what happened to iceburg. on this current time, paulie was also called by kaku to tell him what happened to the beloved mayor of the city.

newspapers flutter around the city, raining on the people in every corner of the city.

"the hero of waterseven, mayor iceburg, has . . . fallen at the fiendish hands of an assassin!"

"what is it that the unforgivable criminal is after? wealth? power!!?"

"who is the assassin that dissapeared without trace!!?"

"whoever the hell it was. . . he is so dead." paulie exclaimed rushing over to god knows where.

luffy being a curious kid he is, he volunteered to take a look at the scene at hand with nami following him suit.

outside of iceburg's residence was crowded by concerned residents. though fortunately, iceburg was stable yet still in a coma state. being shot twice in the front and thrice in the back is no joke after all. thanks to you, he didn't bleed that much.

with kalifa and lucci present inside iceburg's quarters as the doctor tends to him, that both question how five gunshots didn't fatally kill the president, there must be something - someone who stopped the man from bleeding to death.

little far from the city someone is also unfortune, going home and seeing his home damaged to bits.

little far from the city someone is also unfortune, going home and seeing his home damaged to bits

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hello everyone!!!
how have y'all been?
I've been good, still living<3

Really sorry for the lack of updates,
i know ive disappointed some of you
due to my inconsistency.

I'm almost in my second yr of college!!
I'm thankful to those who stayed with me and waited, im sorry once again.

take care always!!
xoxo - moon.

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