039 ▍chaos ensues

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- the oceanic metropolis

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AFTER ICEBURG'S conclusion, he hurriedly ended the call without another word. the whole crew went quiet, eyeing each other, silently asking their captain what should be your call in this situation. 

"we can't just barge in, we're not some rookie pirates. we can't act out of impluse." you stated, standing up and placing the den den mushi back into your office. 

from behind you can already feel kuro disagreeing to your decision. "but if the world government got their hands on it, we'd all be dead pirates." he protested.

"well the sea is just a wet graveyard after all." you remarked, chuckling to yourself. "the point being is that, even i don't know where that ancient weapon is, or who has it. iceburg didn't tell me a thing. for all i know is that it was given to him at some point, but we can't guarantee that it is still with him until now."

"than what should we do?"

"we wait. wait for it to play out and see the outcome."

nami and luffy were both being attacked by both the citizens and the carpenter's after they were accused at suspects for shooting their beloved mayor, fortunately they managed to escape after franky's attacked that literally destroyed a building, while on the other side of the city, not far from the going merry, sanji and chopper are both yelling. 

"hey, hey!!! there's a freakin' giant high tide called aqua laguna comin this way???!!" sanji screamed

"yeah, yeah!!! this town's gonna sink at around midnight!! the beach is gonna go bloop!!!" chopper explained further, also yelling.

"this is bad!! we can't just stand around doing nothing!!! we gotta get to a higher place!!!"

"yeah yeah!! we gotta take refuge!!! refuge!! refurge!!" as they both glance took a glance at the ship, hoping that usopp who boarded the ship would hear their yelling and seek refuge, then runnning away the next minute.

usopp was in all confusion after hearing them, as there yelling has reach the deck of the ship, "what was that conversation. . . ?" usopp asked himself, "something about a high tide. . . now that i think about it, the wind's kinda strong today."

Luffy denying all the accusation, went straight to iceburg's room to talk to him directly.

". . . . nmaaa, you have business with me?" icerberg started, petting his pet mouse. "pirate twerp."

"yeah. . . thanks. .  for calling me."

"it's very unlikely that you came to kill me in this chaos." the older man remarked, knowing well that the young pirate know where he stands. 

"i want to hear the real story," luffy insisted. 

"last night, i saw nico robin with my own eyes. she's one of you."

"that is true. . . areyou sure it was robin??" luffy asked again, but iceburg pulled his own gun. "don't speak. your words hold no power anymore. the reason i called you here is because i have a favor to ask, let me meet with nico robin one more time."

luffy sweatdropped in worry, "that's impossible. . . i don't know where she is. . "

then a gun went off.

[name] was once again on top of a building, on the roof of the warehouse to be specific. along with her green-haired navigator, lucaria, the both of them were observing the changing atmospher of the city.

"the wind is blowing harder than before, senchou," lucaria stated, securing her hood. you hummed in agreement, as your hood fell your head, "were there any signs of robin in the city?" you asked.

she only shook her head no, "she's always good in hiding, though i can't risk finding her in a crowd of panicked people."

"any information from those two?"you asked her, looking down at the townspeople who are either panicking because of the aqua laguna or the capturing of the suspects.

"none as of the moment, it was last mentioned that aleck was last seen in enies lobby, it was not known whether he was captured or not as he is yet to contact us."

now with wide eyes, you turned to her, "what?! enies lobby? when was this last mentioned?"

"just yesterday. . ." she trailed off seeing your panicked face.

"and you just thought of informing this to me now??"

"i'm sorry!! i forgot!!" lucaria no has crocodile tears trailing on her face, bitting both her lips.

"i guess, this is a change of plans. call him on his baby den den mushi, NOW!"

on the back street of water seven, in an empty storage.

"first, i want to say that yesterday was a success."

"piece of cake,"

"of course you also became an outlaw. . . nico robin."

"yes." nico robin commented.

"but that's temporary, what's important is tonight."

"get into iceburg"s mansion again, if worst comes to worst, you can erase all evidence. 'tom' has it originally, and of all of his apprentices, the only living one is iceburg."

"i don't care how you do it. in the name of cp9, you must take it tonight. you must understand that this is the duty of justice."

damned, i have summer class

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damned, i have summer class.>:(

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