033 ▍the city of water, water seven

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-  the oceanic metropolis

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NICO ROBIN, age twenty, glared at the female infront of her. "who are you?! stay away from me!" she yelled, scared that the other might be a bounty hunter that will hand her to the world governement.

robin hands were ready to activate her devil fruit when a hand plop down on her head. "i won't hand you to them." the younger was stunned when he heard you, she stared at your eyes, finding a glint of any lies evident in what you said.

biting her lip inwardly, still looking at you sharply. "then what do you want?" she muttered, taking a few steps away from you. letting her be you sat down on a flat stone.

you both we're currently on a island on the grandline, an isolated area far from the city. you caught up to here when you saw her stealing using her devil fruit. crossing your legs, with your elbow resting on your thigh while you place your check on your palm. you tossed her a box full of food along with some berries. the younger shuffled in her movements and hurriedly took the box, inspecting it.

you chuckled at her, "i'm. . . veritas [name]." this stunned robin, she now looked at you with fear across her face. 

she gulped, "w-what. . . you're that pirate. . . what do you want from me?!" you shook you head at her, "nothing really, can you read this?" handing her a piece of paper. she walked back to you and took the paper in her hand, her eyes widen and looked at you in shock.

are you gonna use her to read those ancient texts just like what the others want. 

"no, i can't read them." she replied at almost lightning speed. you smiled at her, "well it's alright to lie."

"knowing that ancient language is dangerous and hard, i applaud you for knowing it in such a young age. hearing what happened in you ohara is really a nightmare, i'm sorry for everything you've lost." you stood up, robin's eyes following you every move as listened to every word you said to her.

"the grandline is also full of dangerous people. i know you seek to know the truth, robin. maybe when it's time i can even help you but for now. . ."

"but thank you for surviving, robin. i believe that you'll achieve your dream, with the right set of friends. time will come for you to not worry about being lonely or being used. let's see each other again, surive till you can."

that was what robin remembered when she woke up from being frozen by aokiji, she staired at the ceiling of the med bay, thinking why did she remember it in a time like that. if she asked for your help, would you have help her escape from the government?

in just a few blinks you can already see the puffing tom in a distance. the oceanic metropolis is now growing closer by the minute, still one of the most mesmerizing sight in the first half of the grandline. 

the sound of the water splashing as it goes down the sides of the city never gets overrated. it's also been years since your last visit in the city. iceberg would always call you and even sometimes beg for even a visit, though sadly, you always decline. 

the ship sailed through the canals in the city, your navigator guiding the helmsman on where to dock and hide the ship. since it is a very recognizable ship in this era of piracy, one wrong place, and the ship might not be seen tomorrow, and you don't want your beloved ship to be wrecked by some idiots in the streets or in the sea.

finally docking in somewhere safe. you all walked down the ship, clad in black cloaks and overcoats. as for you, you clothes were hidden inside your cloak, with your hair down. even though it might look very suspicious, the people of water seven are used to have pirates in the city. as long as you cannot be seen, that's good enough.

walking through the watery streets of water seven would have been calm but it's a city, so expected that it is a little bit loud and crowdy. with your skilld, you didn't have to rent any yagaras, basically just jumped from roof to roof. guess that was normal for the people there as well.

"here it is cap, galley-la headquarters." kurose says as he was the first to jump down the large doors of the dock.

you eyed the doors of the place. just as you were about to knock, when the door opened, revealing a strawberry-blonde haired female. her blue eyes  stared at your figure. she pushed back her glass and spoke. "what is it that you might need in the galley-la headquarters?" she asked.

"is iceburg present? i want to talk to him." you answered, straight to the point.

"do you have any appointment with the mayor?" she asked once again, looking through her clipboard of probably iceburg's schedule for the day.

"no, can i see him or not?" she looked at you again, as if staring at your soul as she hummed.

finally with your luck, a familiar voice was heard inside the mansion. "what's wrong kalifa? is there someone at the door?"

it took kalifa a while to respond, "yes, iceburg-san. they wanted to talk to you." she ushered you to come inside.

"who it might be, kali-" iceburg cut himself off, as he stared at your, mouth agape.

you smiled at him, removing the hood from your head. "it's been a while, ice-kun."

helloo helloo,classess starts in a week : Dthere goes my vacation

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helloo helloo,
classess starts in a week : D
there goes my vacation.

liking how this chapter turned
out tbh hehehehe

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