035 ▍a ship is family too

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- the oceanic metropolis

JUST AFTER tyrannusaurus, now you have another small animal on you hands

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JUST AFTER tyrannusaurus, now you have another small animal on you hands. knowing its name after lucci whispered it to you. no understatement, the pigeon is really an entertainer, it even did a little dance.

"you're still trying to capture nico robin, aren't you?" you asked them, attention still towards hattori.

"why should we tell you. . . you will only endanger our plans." kaku responds as lucci glares at you.

you laughed against your palm, hattori now perched on you shoulder. "seems like your pigeon took a liking to me. truth be told, you're the ones endangering my plans for the world. you and your sense if justice is just rotten to the very core."

"you're one to say, pirate." lucci's short comment made you laugh even more.

"alright, alright. my opinion's invalid i see. i'll be heading back to my crew," dismissing them, giving hattori a pet on the head before giving him back to its rightful master.

putting your hood up once again, when you felt a new group of people outside the dock. lucci was out of your sight, while kaku soru'd his way towards the new comers.

"excuse me!!!!" says the figure as kaku stopped him from going futher the fence of the dock.

"hey. hold on. you're not from here! let's talk outside. only employees are allowed in there." kaku explained.

your eyes widen, recognizing the young man wearing a very nostalgic strawhat. nudging your hood more to hide most of your face, you walked out of the dock. much to you disdain, you bump into him of all people.

"huh?" you can feel his gaze on your back as you walked away.

"what's wrong, luffy?"

"oh. . nothing."

you then met iceburg halfway with his secretary, he did tell you that you're crew went back to your ship.

back in your ship, they were all settled in the deck. either sitiing on the railings or at the seat around the mast.

jumping up to the deck, you removed your cloak. revealing an almost fit top with purple sarong tied around your waist (similiar to timeskip robin outfit).

"we came in a very dangerous time, you guys." you started, tidying you clothes, tightening your sarong. handing the cloak to kurose you of course accepted it. theo went over to you as he tied your hair into a half bun, securing it with you hairpin.

they were quiet, waiting for you to finish. shadow over their eyes. "few of cp9's officers are here. the strawhats are here as well."

just as theo finished he spoke, "if the strawhats are here. . . then robin is here as well."

just before you sailed, kuzan called and was kind enough to tell you that robin is currently travelling with the crew.

sighing you sat down, looking over the vast sea. "should we do something?" your musician asked, strumming her small harp trying to ease the tension around you all.

"as much as i want to anger those in the government, i don't think it's our course of action." you paused, pressing your lips together. "i have secrets that i hide from the government, if it were to be known each and every one of you will be indanger."

"we can handle it, cap-" you cut azure off with a glance. "you're life is more than my sacrifices, if i were to be targetted then it will only be me and no other."

"you say that as if we're not your crew for the past twenty years." kurose commented smirking at you. "you really are a stubborn one, cap." this made everyone laugh at you.

you eyes them all in question as they just laughed, sighing. they're just as stubborn as you are anyway. shaking your head you laughed along with them.

"let's have a little feast then! we'll be here for a long while until our ship's finished."

luffy was uneasy but he tried to dismissed it. it was there again, the feeling of intimidating eyes staring at him. this boy is rarely intimidated so it is really surprising for himself as well.

the tension he felt when he bumped into the stranger earlier, it was something he can't put his mind into.

he then met, iceburg, the head of the city who further introduced kaku and his new pet mouse, tyrannursaurus. after some commotion due to iceburg being disrespected by the strawhats says kalifa, nami handed iceburg kokoro's letter that was later ripped by the mayor saying he didn't like the lip mark.

you were having your little party at the shores of the city, when suddenly some weirdly cloth men entered the ship. saying they wanted to salvage the ship. unfazed you kicked them out, literally kicked each and one of them for interupting your crew.

already familiar with those people, this is water seven after all. if there are shipwright, there are also those who wrecks ships.

sitting on top of the figurehead, you just realized that it's broad daylight and here you were partying. a pirate's life, you're living anyway.

sipping on your drink as you pat the figurehead. "it's been a long while since we came back to where you were made right, night howler?" you asked to no one around you but to the ship itself. normal people would tell you you're stupid for thinking a ship is as precious as your crew, but yes. it is.

night howler was made at water seven years ago, it was actually a gift from iceburg. he was the one who designed the exterior and interior of the ship. one of the very rare ships made from the wood of the treasure tree adam. the name of the ship was something that really made your brain work.

you rested you check on your palm, you started brainstorming.

what should i name the ship? hmm

helloo!!second week at schooland I'm already sufferinguwaaaa

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second week at school
and I'm already suffering

been so busy i haven't updated any of my drafts yet, so sorry TT

hope you guys have a nice day/night!
take care always!

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