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I dragged my luggage up the lift and hold my duffel bag tightly. It took a while until I found my apartment room. I look across the hallway, it was so quite. I fiddled with the keys before opening my door. I stared in awe at how big the apartment looks as compared to the pictures I saw online. I chose well, damn.

I closed the door behind me and start unpacking my luggage. I didn't bring much, just clothes and my valuables, camera, laptop, that's about it. I settled quickly, excited to explore the new place I call home.

I grabbed my phone, keys and camera and walked out the door. I googled the nearest Chipotle place I could go to for lunch and called an Uber. I looked out the window and snap a picture to share on my story to show that I have finally arrived. Nobody commented or reacted to it. I didn't post for anyone to see anyways, just for the fun of it. I knew no one cared about me.

I ordered lunch and decided to eat in. I sat down and scroll through my social media. The peace was distrusted when I heard laughters along with three of boys entering the place. My eyes immediately went to the tall, fair boy with purple hair. His natural hair colour over-taking the purple. His blue eyes was dreamy and his smile made me feel a certain way. I melted right there in my seat seeing how handsome he was. They all sat down the table next to me. The blonde one went to the counter to order the food.

I continued going through my social media and eating when I heard shrieks from couple of girls coming out the washroom. I looked over and they were hovering the boys next to me. Are they celebrities? Who are they? I have never seen them in any movie or series. Maybe they were book authors? I think I stared too long because one of the girl pointed at me and hissed. What did I do, I have no idea.

I continued eating and was packing up to leave when the blonde hair boy came up to me and asked if I wanted to take a picture. "Why would I want that?" I said as I gave him a confused look.

"Well, you were staring at us earlier when the other girls were taking pictures with us, I thought you wanted one too but did not disturb us because you wanted us to eat first." He said with the same confusing look I gave him. "We thought you were being considerate."

"Uhm... no thank you? I didn't mean to stare. I was just wondering which show you guys have been on for the girls to be screaming like that and wanting to take pictures with you. I am sorry if I don't recognise any of you." I explained to him, apologising for not recognising them. They had to be famous for the girls to scream like that and then hissed at me from being jealous right?

"You don't know who we are?" The boy with the pink hair commented. I stared at him then I stared at the guy with purple hair. He was smirking at me and I blushed seeing a dimple appear with his smile.

I apologise once again for not knowing of them and stood up to leave. As I was leaving, the guy with the purple hair chased after me. He walked by me and asked for my name.

"Why do you want to know my name if you're a celebrity? Shouldn't you want me to know your name instead?" I asked him back. I was not going to share information about myself to someone I don't even know no matter how famous they are.

"I am not a celebrity you know... I am just a dude enjoying lunch." He said looking at me. "So can I please have your name? I would like to thank you for not hovering over us like the others." He continued, twiddling with his ears. He looks so shy, its cute.

He seems to be genuinely interested to know my name and he seems really really nice, which is such a shock because the only guy I ever interacted with was my ex-boyfriend and he was not the kindest. "Ana. Ana Summers. How about you?" I shared.

"Colby Brock. Nice to finally meet you. My friends over there are Sam and Jake." He said pointing to them respectively as he said their name. I waved to them behind him and looked back at Colby. I nodded and said "Yeah, you too, nice to meet you, I'll see you around I guess." He nodded and said his thanks before walking off.

I  was about to call an Uber because I didn't how to go back to my apartment when I heard Jake calling out to me. "Hey! You're calling an Uber? Where are you going? Do you want us to drop you off somewhere?" I stared at him thinking why would he want to help me.

I was about to reply when Colby said something about not wanting me to be in the same car as them. I winced, well there you go. I knew it was too good to be true for Jake to be flirting with someone like me. I shook my head and said "It's alright, I'm just going back to my apartment complex down-..." I was cut off with Sam asking if it was the apartment building across town. I nodded and he smiled.

"Great. You can ride with us, we live in the same building dude." Jake said. I rejected his offer and said I wanted to explore the town a little bit before going home, it was a lie of course. I didn't want to ride with Colby if he didn't want to share the ride with me. I do not want to make him uncomfortable. It was shocking when Colby was the one who chirped next. "Ohhh explore where? We could go with you." He blushed as he said that and brushed his hands through his luscious hair.

I stood there stunned and must be looking so confused because I was. First he didn't want to share a ride with me, now he wants to go and "explore" with me? I shook my head but before I could say anything, Colby grabbed my hand and walk me towards the car. His fingers intertwined with mine. My heart pounded so fast I thought I could get a heat attack. He pulled me to the passenger seat and went over to the driver's seat. I sat in the car and looked behind to see Sam and Jake smiling at me.

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