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We stopped by a mansion looking house and drove into its driveway. "Wait, this is it?!" I asked Colby, making sure he had the correct address. "Yes baby girl, this is it. Our new home." He said as he parked the car. He helped me out and I admire the house in full view. "Wait, seriously!?" Still in disbelief, Colby laughed at me as he unload his trunk. I saw Sam pulled in as well, with Kat having the same face I did.

Jake came out from Sam's car and Corey pulled in afterwards. We stood in the driveway for a second and walked into the house together. We stared in awe at how huge the house was. We dropped all our luggage and Jake screamed. "First one to a room owns it!" Colby jolted ups the stairs went into a room before Jake could catch him. "Aw man Colby! You've got the best room! I was aiming for this one!" I could hear Jake whined from downstairs. He ran down and chose another room before Corey and Sam had the chance to do so.

Colby grinned and took the luggage upstairs. I went up the stairs after him slowly, excited to see the room. I took a couple of steps before I had to stop and rest. I was already breathless, this broken rib does not help. Before I took another step, I saw Colby running back downstairs meeting me on the steps. He carried me bridal style to the room. He let me down gently for me to look around.

"Wow Colby, great choice! This room is amazing." I gasp, taking in every inch of the room in sight. The room was huge, it must be the masters, with closer available and access to the balcony. Colby grinned, holding me by the shoulder, proud of himself. "I can't wait to furnish it! I have an idea and I think you'll love it." He teased me knowing I can't help with the decoration with my condition.

All of us unpack what we could, mostly clothes into the closet and random things lying around. Movers will be coming in tomorrow to move in the furnitures like bed and couch that the boys have bought. For tonight, we'd have to sleep in the living room together where a couch was available. The decided I could have the couch since I was all broken while they will all slept on the floor in sleeping bags.

Colby and I finished unloading our clothes into our closet, we only had a few things left when Colby declared he was hungry. I laughed and told him to get postmates. I ordered for the whole house and travel downstairs with Colby in hand. We went to the backyard and my breath was taken away. The pool was amazing, we even have a hot tub. There was a "tiki" with a bar. It was amazing. We walked towards the pool and Jake started to film.

"The Trap Boys are back! We are all in Hawaii!" He declared to the camera, jokingly. Colby joined him along with Corey and Sam. They all filmed one by one for their own channel. I sat by the pool, soaking my legs in the luke warm water, saying hello to the camera when it reaches me. Kat joined me by the pool. "So how are you feeling Ana?" she said as she soaked her legs.

"I'm doing alright Kat, thanks for asking. I'm so happy right now, even though I'm in pain." I replied Kat jokingly. "I just want time to stay still at this very moment, all of us looks so happy." Kat laughed along and leaned over to my shoulder. I heard Colby called out that the postmates has reached. Kat helped me up and we all sat by the bar in the backyard.

We ate lunch and started chatting about the plan to decorate the house. We all agreed that our room will be decorated by ourselves but we still had the living room, game room, dining room and movie room to decorate. Sam suggested to hire someone to help decorate since they don't know anything about it. "Well, I could help get the things ordered and planned the decoration, but I will need you guys to help me place the things around since I can't do much of that." I chipped in the conversation. Everyone agreed to me decorating the house and I was secretly excited since I love making things look pleasant especially in front of cameras.

That night, none of us slept. We stayed up, sitting in the living room, with the only couch available in the house, chatting away. We laughs till the sun rise. I started going to the kitchen to make some coffee but we didn't had any yet. Colby took the chance to order some breakfast and waited for our movers to bring in the furniture the boys got for their room.

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