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I pulled Colby away from the kitchen, guiding him back to the room for him to wash up. He was stil l in shock, processing what just happened. I wanted to ask him about his past, why was he able to do what he did but he looked so numb at the moment I was afraid to ask or trigger him anymore.

I led us to the room and started the bath. I helped him out from his clothes and led him to the bathroom and sat him down in the bath. He still not moving any muscle willingly, fear and anger still in his eyes. His body limp, probably from fighting so hard. I took the pitcher nearby and started to wash Colby down, making sure to wash away the blood from his hands and face. He winced in pain from his open wounds.

"I'm sorry baby, its going to hurt a bit alright? You need to wash up." I whispered as I continued to bathe him. He looks so tired after the bath, he got dress while I drained the bath. I stepped out and saw him walked out to the balcony, getting some air. He sat down on the chair available and put his face in between his hands. "Baby, what's wrong?" I called out to him.

He locked his blue eyes with mine and I could see it pooling with tears. "I'm sorry Ana, I'm sorry I got so violent in front of you. I don't want to be that person anymore.." he whispered out. I squat in front of him, holding his strong hands in mine, rubbing his raw knuckles with my thumb. "I love you Colby, all I care about is you. I thought you got hurt baby...." I told him, making sure he knows that I don't care that he was punching that stranger, I was only concern about his safety.

At this point, I agree with him. Finding Johnny and stopping him is the only way this nightmare would stop. I wish I hadn't come into their life, but now that I am, I don't want to lose them without a fight. I have to push aside the fear I have towards Johnny and learn to fight. I have to do this for Colby, Kat, Sam and the rest of the house. This was my problem and I was not going to let anyone else take the beating without me fighting.

"Baby girl, are you okay?" Colby asked me, his eyes filled with worries. "You look angry... I'm sorry Ana.." He continued. I looked down saw that I had my fist clenched. "Colby, I need you to teach me how to fight." I blurted. He eyes averted from the floor to look at me. His body language changed and he immediately stood up, moving away from me.

"What?! You want to learn how to fight? I thought you were against violence Ana?" He shot at me defensively. I explained to him what I thought about fighting back and how right he was about finding Johnny and that we should start before he does anything else. I felt him calm down and sat by me again. He took my hand into his and kissed them softly. His eyes darted back at me and his expression filled with determination.

"I will teach you, but you have to promise me that you will only fight if your life depends on it." Colby negotiated. I promised him that I will only fight if there was a threat nearby and not to find fault with others. He said we could hit the gym tomorrow to build on my strength. I bit my lip, stopping my mouth from rambling, but I couldn't help it. "How did you learn how to fight like that Colby?" I blurted, covering my mouth with my hands. Colby laughed and started to explain.

He was thought at a very young age to fight, to defend himself. As he grew older, he was bullied and he didn't fight back because he was told to hold back unless real danger was facing him. One day, one kid took it too far and hurt Sam real bad. Something clicked in him and he start charging at the bully beating him to a pulp. I gasped hearing the story. Every since then, Colby has had anger issues and will beat people to a pulp if he started to fight. That was why he tried to stay calm, collected and cool throughout the day so he doesn't accidentally hurt anyone. So far, the only person that could pull him out of the state was Sam and after today, me.

He went to therapy a few times to help him with his anger management issues. That's where he met Corey and Jake. They were having some boxing class in the gym and Colby hanged with them because they are good fighters and got tips from them on how to defend but not hurt the other party too much. Sam went to the class with him, to make sure he doesn't injure anyone. He was good a for a few years, having relapse here and there but otherwise, managing quite well until Johnny came and push his limits by hurting me.

"I'm sorry Colby. I brought Johnny into your life and you almost kills someone for nothing." I said quietly, barely hearing myself. Colby hugged me and told me that it was not my fault and if it weren't for him knowing how to fight, both Colby and I would die in the hands of Johnny. I nodded in agreement and realisation. "What are we suppose to do Colby, I don't want to kill anybody but I know the police won't be able to help us especially if my dad was involved." Colby gave a sigh of frustration. He knew I was right though, we can't kill Johnny unless he attack us and we had no choice, we can't just find him and kill him, that will get us in trouble.

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