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The whole morning I could only think about Colby. What I had said to him. Why the fuck am I so stupid. I just pushed away a boy that liked me back. A hot hot man. Ugh. I hate myself.

I opened twitter and start rejecting the remaining requests coming in. No matter how many times I rejected, more were coming in. I sigh and ignored my twitter. I will not be able to read these messages unless I accept them. I refuse to do that, anyways I promised Colby last night that I won't look. I started looking for job openings again and start applying, hoping my Dad would leave me alone this time.

It was roughly 1pm when I decided to leave my apartment to get some fresh air. I walked out and went over to the park that Colby showed me a few days ago. I started taking nature shots when I heard a commotion. I looked over and I saw a group of girls pointing my direction. They started running towards me. I realised that they were chasing me and I fled as fast as I could.

They were almost catching up to me. I heard a car honk and looked back for a moment. I saw Sam driving his car towards me. He stopped by me and rolled down his window. "Get the fuck in Ana. Hurry!" He shouted. I opened the door and he started driving off.

I gathered myself and catch my breathe. "OMG. Are you okay Ana? What the fuck happened? Why are they chasing you?" Sam asked after I calmed down. "Dude, I don't even know. I think its because I was seen with Colby the other day. I started receiving a lot of twitter requests too after Colby followed me." Sam just shook his head and mumbled "Oh shit, this again. Dammit guys."

He drove us to another neighbourhood, then he looked over to me and asked if it was okay for him to stop by somewhere first. I shrugged because I didn't had any plans anyway. He told me he was fetching his girlfriend, Kat. I nodded and asked if I should move to the back since his girlfriend will be joining us. He shook his head. "No that is not necessary. Kat is not the type to get jealous. Plus I told her all about you already. She'll be fine." I nodded and waited with him. He parked by a house and I saw a girl with bright pink hair walked out.

Is that ... Katrina Stuart???? "Omg.. it's Katrina Stuart... that's your girlfriend?" My mouth hanged open while I asked Sam. He laughed and say "So you know her but not me? I'm hurt Ana."

I only knew her because of her music. I don't watch her videos but her music was playing on the radio one day and I have been following ever since. When Kat got into the car, I held in my scream. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

"Hey Sammy! And you must be Ana, nice to meet you!" Kat chirped. "Nice to meet you too Kat." I said as calm as I can. Sam laughed at me and gave Kat a kiss. "Hey babe...Ana here is actually a fan of you. Apparently she knew of you but not me. I'm hurt."

Kat laughed along. "That's a first! I like you more now Ana!" She grinned at me and I smiled back. Damn. I talked to Kat about her music and how I discovered her. Kat started talking about her quick success and I started thinking about how I was going to make it here. Then a thought crept in my head. How am I suppose to be successful with this much hate going on. I must have zoned out because the next thing I knew was Sam saying my name repeatedly.

"I'm sorry Sam, did you say something?" I asked blankly. "What are you thinking about Ana? Colbyyyy?" Sam teased.

"No.. but I think he's mad at me. I told him we should stay as friends this morning and he walked out from my apartment without saying anything. Haven't heard from him since." Looking down at my camera fiddling with the strap.

Sam kept quite and Kat broke the silence. "Ana, you said you did filming too? How come you have not joined YouTube?"

I simply shrugged and told her that my filming is more of "trailer" type. For music videos or short films. Also, I was not comfortable being in front of the camera, just behind it. So I never really explored the YouTube world since everyone was showing themselves in camera, which was not what I do. We chatted a bit more before  Sam pulled over at the apartment complex carpark and we walked together to the lift lobby. "I'm sorry you have to deal with the hate so soon." Kat said. "Wasn't easy for me either, but we pushed through. Sam and I. We didn't let the fans take over our life's. It was ours anyways."

I nodded in agreement and was about to say something when the lift door opened. Colby stood there staring at us. He looked down and then looked over at Sam. "Oh there you are, I was wondering where were you. I need to talk to you about work. Let's go." He stayed inside the lift.

Sam, Kat and I walked in and went up to our floor. "Ana, want to come over my place and hang before the pizza party? It's starting soon." Sam asked. I nodded, I would like to get to know Kat more while I had the chance to hang out with her. Colby still did not say anything to me. I really screwed up with him.

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