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I started my phone once we landed in LA. I saw a thousands of likes on my new post and a few more hundreds following my business account. I saw a few of them tagging me as well. I looked at the tagged photo and gasped. I showed Colby what I was looking at and all he did was said the picture was cool. It was a picture of Colby standing on top of the counter shouting my name and I'm standing there looking like a fool staring at Colby.

"I love you baby girl. I need you to know that, no matter whatever label we have, I love you so much." Colby held my hand and pulled me into a hug. I looked back at him, the happiest I have ever been. Colby looked surprise that he said what he said, "I'm sorry if that weirded you out Ana, you dont ha-.". Without any hesitation and before he complete his sentence, I blurted, "I love you too Brock." He looked so happy and we home and slept throughout the afternoon.

I woke up to my phone ringing. It was my Dad. "Ana! What is this picture circulating the net ? What are you doing back in Florida with a boy? Are you planning to visit me at all?" How did my dad even find out about that, the closest thing to a social media was the news. "Hi Dad. I'm doing fine, thanks for asking." I replied him sarcastically. "I am back in LA Dad, and that boy is my boyfriend Colby. Maybe when you're nice to me, I will bring him to meet you."

I hear my Dad scoff over the line and ended the call without saying anything back. I gave a loud sigh of frustration and got out of bed. I needed to take in fresh air. I went out to Colby's balcony and inhale the LA air, not the freshest, but it will do for now. I sat there for a while, editing the videos we took during our trip. I laughed while watching the videos back, cutting a few scenes that is not suppose to be in the video and lost time doing my work.

"Baby girl, where are you?" I hear Colby calling out for me from inside the apartment. I closed my laptop and walked into the living room, Colby was standing in the kitchen counter smiling when he saw me. "There you are baby girl, I thought you left me!" I laughed at his reaction and gave him an apologetic hug.

"I'm sorry babe, needed some fresh air and I was editing the video for you guys." I answered him honestly. We both had breakfast and Colby told me that Corey was having a last party at his place before moving out to "The Trap House" and we were invited. I agreed to go so that I had a different change of scenery.

Colby hit the gym while I stayed in editing. It was quite in his apartment when I heard loud banging from next door. How could there be banging when next door was my apartment. My eyes shot wide, knowing that it could only mean one thing. I tiptoed to Colby's door and peep through the peeping hole. I saw a figure right in front of my apartment door and heard more knocking. "I know you're in there Ana! Come the fuck out now! Your boyfriend isn't here to save you!"

My heart dropped to the ground. I ran back to my phone and dialed for Colby. He picked up immediately. I told him what was happening and felt my tears falling from my cheeks. My anxiety started to build and my hands shook in fear. "Baby girl, calm down, he doesn't know you're there in my place. He doesn't know where I live remember? I'm leaving the gym right now and coming home to you. Stay quite and if he starts knowing on our door, call the cops." Colby quickly said and I heard him opening the car door. "I won't hang up alright? I'm right here where you need me, stay with me."

I nodded silently because I could hear footsteps now. My heart jumped out from my skin when the banging begin on the main door of Colby's apartment. "Colby..... he's knocking here..." I whispered to the phone. "Baby girl, hide." That's all I heard before running to Colby's closet to hide between his clothes. There was no way that Johnny knows where Colby lived, no way. Come to think of it, he should not know Colby was not here either.

The knocks has stopped. I held my breathe, waiting for a sign that I'm able to come out from hiding. Then I heard the door opened. My heart dropped, my hands still holding my phone by my thighs, I ended the call with Colby and dialed 911. "Where are you, you little bitch." I heard the voice called out. I closed my eyes, holding my breathe, hoping Johnny don't find me. My phone beeped and I heard muffles coming out from the emergency hotline. I brought the phone closer to my mouth and whispered "help". Before I could say anything else, I felt a strong hand grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out from hiding.

Johnny gave me a smirked and pulled me out from the closet. "How dare you stay with another guy, you're mine!" He gave me a slap as he said that. "I will teach you a lesson about running away from me and sleeping with another douchebag, slut!" He continued and landed another slap on the other side of my face. I could feel my nose aching, I touched my face and felt blood. This is it, I'm going to die, right here and right now. Johnny continued punching me and kicking me when I was on the floor, I felt my eyes got heavier and heavier.

"Don't ever fuck with me!" I heard Johnny shouted before he landed one more kick to my gut. My body went limp and I lost my consciousness.

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