Chapter 1.

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I woke up to my phone beeping, I looked over at the vintage alarm clock that was sat next to my white wooden bed, it read 4.46am. I grabbed my phone and focused my eyes to the screen, 3 texts from Louise, 2 from Niomi.
Why are they awake?
This was just one of the many problems about being 'popular', they expect you to be awake in the middle of night when you have school the next day.
I don't even know how I got myself into the 'popular' girls group at school, I guess I just put on a good front.
When really ... I love all things vintage. I'm obsessed with photography and poloroids. I love every type of book and have read every single one in my whole school libery. But no one knows that. Because since year 7 I have kept this secret just for me and me only.
My sister told me to 'fit in' and 'be normal' in order to not be bullied, so I did.
I put on a front, almost like a character.
I was Zoë, the confident, happy, smiley, 'popular' year 12. And that's how it had to stay.
The only person who knew about the real me is Tanya, she's been my best true friend since reception class at primary, but she won a scholarship to go the St. Helens private school and I just went to the local school down the road from my cottage.
I opened the message from Louise;
"Chummy are you awake?"
"Chummy Matt just asked me out"
"Are you seriously asleep?"
Then onto Niomi;
"Omigod zozeebo?"
"What you at?"
Seriously? I just wanted to sleep. So that's what I decided to do, I'll mange to come up with some crap excuse tomorrow for why I didn't reply.

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