Chapter 2.

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I awoke to my alarm clock ringing, I carefully switched it off and swung my legs out of bed. I got up and wondered over to my dressing table full of hair products and makeup. I sat down and began my usual morning routine following a make up tutorial from my friend Ruth's youtube channel, I'd never taken to youtube although she made me try it.
The real Zoë wouldn't even had looked twice but the Zoë they knew, had to and did but she didn't like the idea either.
I jumped off the grotty bus and plastered a grin on my face. I flung my hair over my shoulders and began walking to the gates where I would meet Louise, Niomi, Matt, Marcus, Caspar and Louis, this was basically the 'popular' group and everyone else in our year envied us. I loved it really, but I loved the true Zoë more. Everyday I would dream of taking photographs or reading but I did have fun at school with my best friends.
I was snapped out my thoughts by the sound of a squealing Louise, who came bounding over to me, like a dog reunited with its owner.
"Zoeeeee!!!!" She squeaked at me,
"What's the goss?" I grinned back,
"Matt asked me out, like properly!" She exclaimed.
Matt was in our group and had probably had a thing for Louise since the first day of year 7, back when it all started, but she had never been interested much until recently.
"Omgg!! He finally grew a pair then" I joked,
"Oiiii" she laughed.
"We're the hell is niomi and the boys?" I questioned,
"Oh they went to go to meet the new boys... Joe Weller and Oli White I think there names are, we should go and see them really, they sound like one of us!"
"Yeah great" i muttered, as we stared walking to registration.

The Real Me ☾| Zalfie |Where stories live. Discover now