Chapter 32.

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My mum answered the door and instantly cradled Joe and I in her arms. We both snuggled in to her as we listened to how much she loved us.
"I'm going to have a bath, is that okay?" I weakly smiled.
"Of course" my mum spoke back, but her eyes were filled with tears. It must hurt to have your son or daughter in pain. I couldn't even begin to imagine it.
I ran upstairs and turned on my bedroom light, I automatically looked out my window and through to Alfie's but his bedroom light was off but the curtains open. He must still be out with the rest of the guys. I sighed and pulled out some pyjamas from my draw. I then walked into the bathroom and turned on the taps. I through my hair up in a bun ontop of my little peahead. Next I picked out a bath bomb, I decided with 'granny takes a dip'. I dropped it in the nearly full bath and watched as all the different colours and bubbles spiralled out of it with no control. It filled the bath with swirls of nearly every colour you could imagine.
I was led in my bed after getting out the bath, I had been texting Alfie, who is also in bed and id been watching YouTube.
I text Alfie one more time saying night and turned me alarms on and my lamp and fairy lights off.
I locked my phone and tucked it under my pillow.
Then drifted off into a Lon and peaceful sleep.
{{sorry for the time skip}}
The next three days went extremely fast. Joseph had been Ill and not at school. Joe weller hadn't been in school and Alfie was hanging out with our group a little more. Caspar didn't agree but he had no choice. However he was still seen as a nerd and I couldn't risk telling them... That is until now.
It's now quarter past three and were all walking out of our last lessons that were next to each other.
"I wanna tell them" I whispered to Alfie.
"Tell us what?!" Niomi span round and squealed at me.
Everyone then snapped their heads round to listen to me.
"I-it's nothing,.." I tried to say. I only received a nudge from Alfie and a wink. "You can't do that zo!" Marcus laughed.
"I'm kind of... Going out with... Alfie" I stuttered and blushed majorly.
"OMG!" Everyone looked and smiled a us, some not agreeing but Niomi, Marcus, Louis loved it and I could see Connor and Kian in the corner grinning there heads off and pretending to be surprised.
"Your going out with the nerd" Caspar muttered to me.
"Yeah..." I whispered back.
"Why Zoe?, you could get anyone in the school and you chose him, your so desperate" he snarled at me an Alfie.
And so it begins.
The bullying.
The hate.
They shouldn't know.
I shouldn't have said.
Tears slipped out of my eyes. Louise looked at me with pure disgust. Caspar looked ashamed.
What have I done?
I ran out of the school building and onto the bus.
"Are you alright Zoe?" I heard an Australian accent from behind me.
I turned round.
"Huh? Yeah I'm ... No" it was Troye, Tyler and Korey from Connor and Kian's old group.
Suddenly Troye shoved his phone into my hands and it had a message on it.
It said that everything will be okay, what ever my situation is, there was no number in the top so I put it in and sent it. But before giving his phone back I began typing another message. I put in Connor and Kian's numbers this time.
'They have been there for me like you are and I'm so thankful, please talk again, please'
I smiled slightly and passed him his phone back. I then watched him type and send a message.
Just as I turned round again, Louis and Marcus came trotting onto the bus.
"Zoe, they will get over it"
"I promise it will be fine"
"I'm so sorry!" I cried and buried my head in my hands.
They both simply whispered comforting and supportive words to me until I finally stopped crying.
I stepped into my front door and was about to shut it when my name was called.
"Zoooooe!" I knew it was Joe weller.
"You said that you'd meet me!"
Oh crap it was Friday.
"Yeah, lemme just get changed quickly" I sighed and ran indoors to change, yelling hi to Joe on my way past.
I changed into a pair of black leggings and a dark grey hoodie with a best underneath, I slipped on my white converse to match the front logo on my jumper. I also put a tiny bit more makeup on and put my long ombré hair up in a ponytail.
"Ready!" I exclaimed underneath my breath.
I began walking back out the door shouting "love you BYIEEE" as I did. I had no clue what was around that corner.

I'm sorry it took longer than expected to update, also happy birthday Dan Howell and is also like to say how proud I am of Ingrid. She's so sweet and I did not see that coming but I'm extremely happy for her!
I put this in my other story but I'd like to say it again now.
Two people that I read books of have been upset and down recently and they are slowly getting better. My self esteem and confidence is low and I suffer with claustrophobia really bad, if any of you need to talk then message me or tweet me {{princessdeyesx or kousouloufanxx}}. I hate seeing people upset:( <3

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