Chapter 46.

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I got changed without thinking but the moment I stopped and thought about the events I found myself in a heap on my bed, crying my eyes out.
"Zoe" I heard my mums soft voice.
"Just go back to fussing Ashleigh and Fleur" I shouted, I felt bad, I knew she cared really, she just doesn't show it as much.
"They're staying at Toms tonight" she gave me a sympathetic smile.
"Those poor little twins" I sobbed into my mums lap as she sat down on my bed, "I want to help them but I can't be there" I was crying so hard I thought I was going to be sick.
"I will make sure that they get sorted out" she instructed, "we're going for a meeting tomorrow with Mrs. Houston about Ella and I will make sure that Ashleigh and Fleur are out your way" she carried on.
"Wheres Joseph?" I said still balling my eyes out into her.
"He will be home any second, so will Alfie" I smiled at the thought of Alfie. Suddenly my whole stomach turned and I felt a liquid erupt into my mouth, I ran to the toilet and threw up down down it. I heard my mum come in, rub my back and hold my hair out the way.
I looked away as my fear of sick kicked in and began crying once more.
"Please can you get Alfie" as I said that I heard the door click open and I heard Joseph, Charlie and Alfie's voices.
I wiped my mouth as my mum called Alfie up the stairs. Tears still ran down my cheeks as I ate a mint and waited for him to come up the stairs.
As he hobbled up the stairs I could see that he looked sad and almost like he had been crying.
He walked in my bedroom and my mum explained everything, I stood up and he wrapped his strong arms around me.
"Are you okay? I love you" he held me tight and didn't let go, he kissed my head.
"I love you too, I'm fi-" I began sobbing again as thoughts whirled around my head.
Ella will make my life hell. Joe could escape from prison. The twins could have a horrible life. Ella could help them kidnap me again. Or worse.
"Zoe, it will all be okay" he whispered, soothingly. I snuggled into him and my breathing returned to the average human pace.
"Why do you look sad?" I questioned him whilst taking deep breaths myself.
"Oh, that?" I nodded even though he could only feel my head moving, not see it, "it's nothing" he brushed it off.
"No, tell me" I securely said.
"Ella made the firebell go off and she made it look like Marcus and I did it and now we're in trouble with the headteacher" he muttered.
"What a complete cow" I murmured. I yawned and tucked into Alfie a bit more.
"My knee hurts, can we lay down please?" He asked, rubbing my shoulder gently and kissing my forehead again lightly.
"Yess" I replied. And I helped him lay down onto the bed. I rolled over him and cuddled up.
"Zoe, are you okay?" I heard my brother call.
"Yes thank you Broseph" I tried to make my voice sound as happy as possible.
"Is your knee getting better?" I asked Alfie. He nodded and smiled weakly.
"Do I weigh you down?" I suddenly blurted out of the blue. He pocked his head up. He tilted it slightly, "what do you mean?" He whispered.
"I mean that you could be doing amazing things, you could have a gorgeous girlfriend with no problems or worries. You wouldn't have to come round everyday because I'm too scared to be on my own because of my stupid past and I-"
"Oh Zoe, shut up" he chuckled.
"I absolutely love the bones of you and I wouldn't change it for anything, your gorgeous and you make me smile on a daily basis, I love cuddling you nearly every night and telling you how much I love you every day, so stop thinking that your weighing me down because even if you were, I wouldn't change it for anything". A tear rolled down my cheek at his little speech.
"Don't cry" he wiped my tears up and replaced them with kisses.
"Zoe!" I heard my mum call to me from down stairs.
"Yeah" I replied. I heard her trudging up the stairs and soon after, she appeared in my door way.
"Are you feeling better darling?" She cooed. I nodded and signalled for her to tell me what she wanted.
"We're going in at ten tomorrow for a meeting and once it's finished were coming home, Alfie, you're aloud to come to the meeting but you have to be in school normal time but your in isolation" she looked at him with angry eyes.
"It wasn't him mum, it was Ella" I sighed and Alfie explained to her what happened. She apologised to him quickly after.
"Have you been sick again?" She questioned. I shook my head.
"I think that it was just because I was crying to much" I decided and my mum sighed and walked out, closing the door behind her.
Alfie leant up for a kiss as soon as she went out but I stopped him.
"Alfie I just threw up" I giggled.
"So, zo, do you really think I care" he pouted and I crashed my lips onto his, I pulled myself on top of him and we 'French kissed' as some may call it.
After about a minute if full on kissing we heard my door creak open slightly. I finished the kiss and pulled away just to see my mum scurrying backwards.
"Mum, come back" I laughed.
"Nope, I don't want to interrupt either of you two"she sneakily smiled and carried on walking downstairs.
"You can kiss me again now" he smirkes and I look down and begin to lean in again.
"Just make sure you use protection" my mum shouted up the stairs.
"I may be 16 but I am not ready for that yet" I whispered to Alfie.
"It's okay" he smiled and kissed me once more.
"I'm so scared about this meeting tomorrow" I sighed.
"It'll be okay, I'll be right next to you" he stroked my cheek. I rolled over the top of him and got up. I stared at myself in the mirror for a second before deciding I looked a mess, knotted hair, makeup everywhere, red, bloodshot and puffy eyes from crying to much and an extremely sore stomach.
"I'm gonna get in the shower" I said to Alfie who put his thumbs up.
I wiped up all my makeup and took my hair out of a towel, brushed it, dried it, then I threw it into a high pony tail, I then put on my bra and knickers and I started getting changed into joggers and a vest. Alfie wolfed whistled at me and I blushed then turned round and smirked at him.
I pulled on some fluffy socks and some more deodorant. I then walked through to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.
When I walked back in Alfie had changed his top into a vest and had started pulling off his trousers.
"Want some help gorgeous?" I grinned.
"Yes please" he chuckled and I carefully tugged them round and over his knee cast.
"Done" I smiled and I chucked them at his head.
I passed him his joggers and he slid them on, followed by some trainer socks.
"Are you going to check your laptop?" He questioned. I nodded and reached down to get it. I logged on and opened up the web and then the YouTube tab. 314 subscribers.
My eyes widened and I showed Alfie. He had the same reaction. I clicked on Alfie's account too, 238 subscribers.
"That is crazy" I stated.
"Agreed, oh my god" he shook his head and chuckled.
"how should we celebrate?" He joked.
"I reckon face masks and cuddles" I squealed in a high pitched girly voice.
"Okay" he agreed, which I was pretty shocked at. I helped him into the bathroom and I grabbed a bottle of dark green face mask treatment.
"I can't have that on my face" he exclaimed. I put a squirt onto his cheek, "too late" I laughed, and carried on putting it on.
Once the face masks had finished drying we both grabbed a flannel and started taking it of each others faces.
"Now you will look even hotter than you did before" I flirted.
"Well I thought that it was impossible to get even more beautiful that you already were before this but I was wrong" ok, he could play me at my own game. I blushed and I'm sure he was too even though you couldn't see it through the now light green face mask.
We sat on my bed watching the end of the notebook. Tears flew down my cheeks and I saw Alfie blink back a few too.
"It's sad Alf, your aloud to cry" I whispered.
"I love you, you know that, never forget that right" he kissed my forehead.
"I love you more than anything" I cuddled into him further and leant up and kissed his cheek.
After the film finished I flicked the TV off. We had watched celebrity juice before that so we were still kind of awake. But we didn't move, or talk. We just stayed exactly still, just in each others arms, comfort and safety.

I'm going away, I will be back on Sunday and I'll write when u can so I'll post loads when I'm back... Yes, that's a promise.
Thank you much for 12.1+K, thanks for reading,
Please vote:-),
Ily all,
Georgia. Xx

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