Chapter 37.

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I woke up to my alarm going off and with pins and needles in my arm. I quickly lifted up the pillow and swiped it off to prevent Zoe from waking up. I looked at her and admired all her features. I'm so lucky. She's truly beautiful. I kissed her forehead gently and got up carefully minding her. She flinched slightly and cuddled into the pillow more but didn't fully wake up.
I was now showered, dressed and ready for school with my little one still fast asleep, luckily. I did debate wether to wake her up or not but decided that she needed the rest. I picked up her phone, unlocked it then went onto notes.
'Text me when you wake up liccle one, love you billions xxxx'
I smiled and locked it then put it next to her.
I walked down stairs and Joseph saw waiting for me at the door,
"Come onnn Alfie, I'm meeting Charlie and your taking ages" he whined, but I found it cute that he actually waited for me.
"Sorry buddy" I patted his hair and Mrs Sugg came up and kissed Joseph's head then handed us both a lunch box.
"Oh, no, honestly it's fine-" I started, but she cut me off.
"Take it" she smiled.
"Thank you" I smiled back and we continued walking out the door, shouting bye but careful to not wake Zoe still. He grinned at me then ran over to my house just as Charlie came out the door.
"Hey charl! You alright??!" I shouted.
"Hi mate, yeah" he was probly the most liked member of their family to me.
We then just carried on walking to the bus stop.
The minute I reached the bus stop, questions were fired at me about the 'Zoe and Joe' incident, as everyone called it, I tried to ignore it and not answer but it got harder, as the bus came. I sat with Marcus, Louis, Joseph and Charlie, I sat in Zoe's usual seat which everyone was pretty shocked about. But for once, I felt normal, I was actually sat with people, real people, that wanted to sit with me.
"Do you know what happened Louis?" I questioned him.
"Kind of, but I don't wanna know the details, just that Zoe's alright" he sighed, but I could tell that he did want to know.
"Marcus, you can tell him, just not near me or anyone, I can't bare to hear it again, you can also tell Caspar, Louise and your close group of friends, the ones that care about Zoe" I smiled weakly.
"Our" Marcus smirked.
"Huh?" I said, confused to what he meant.
"Our, group of friends" Marcus high fives me across the table and I grinned back at them both, shocked that I was officially included, but happy, extremely happy.
I stood at the gates with my new group of friends. Each one of them was listening to myself and Marcus telling them what happened, Connor and Kian were in complete shock, tears trailed down their cheeks. We described it in less detail but it had to be done, just to them, they know and care about Zoe, we can trust them.
We finished saying everything and everyone just looked around, not knowing what to say or what to do. Louise, Niomi, Matt, Marcus, Caspar, Louis, Connor and Kian were the only people to know, and probably Tanya and Jim too.
"Thank you Alfie" Caspar whispered and everyone nodded.
"What for?" I questioned.
"You saved Zo" he weakly smiled.
I smiled back and everyone hugged me tight.
"Is it okay if we see her tonight?" Connor muttered to me.
"Yeah, you and Kian come round after school" I replied.
He grinned and told Kian just before the bell went signalling registration.
I sat on my bed and texted Alfie and Tanya back, I texted her what happened but had no response yet, I felt tired but still a lot better.
"Mummmm, I'm awake!" I shouted down the stairs, just in case she was at all interested.
"Okay Zo!" She shouted back her reply, gently though.
I then heard knocking on the door and my mum answered it. Immediately I heard Tanya's voice. Why wasn't she at school?
"Zoeeee" she cried up the stairs, I heard her little feet come padding into my room, followed by Jims big ones.
"Hello guys" I weakly exclaimed.
She jumped onto my bed and put her arms round me, I felt her tears rolling onto my shoulder and arm.
"Oh, Tan! I'm fine now! I'm guessing you got my text then" I smiled at Jim and he leant over and hugged me too.
"I'm okay" I reassured her again.
"I love you Zo" she balled her eyes out still.
"I love you too Tanya Bear" I smiled and hugged her tight. She eventually let go and sat up on the end of my bed.
"Why are you two not at school?" I winked at them both.
"It's our holidays! Private school life!" She did jazz hands and we all laughed.
"I've missed hanging out with you two!" I grinned and pulled them both in for a hug.
"We've missed you too!" Tanya giggled and Jim smiled once again.
"We need to get back Zo but I will text ya" Tanya pulled a sad puppy dog face, I realised them from the hug and said goodbye.
It's an amazing feeling, knowing that somebody cares about you that much.
It was now half past three and I knew that Alfie was coming home any second, I had gotten multiple texts from my friends in the day making sure that I was okay and well. I'm kind of glad that Alfie told them, it means less questions when I go back I guess.
I heard the door click click open and the voices of Joe, Charlie and Alfie.
"Hi Zo!" All three of them chanted together.
"Hai boys!" I giggled. I could hear Alfie running up the stairs and he came straight into my room and swallowed me in a bear hug.
"Are you okay?" He questioned, looking genuinely worried.
"Yeah I'm fine" I smiled great fully.
"BUNDLE!" I heard Joe and Charlie shout.
I laughed as they both ran and full pelt jumped ontop of myself and Alfie.
"Right, off now boys" I heard my mum laugh at them too.
"And you Alfie" she laughed,
"I'm joking Alf!" She giggled walked out the door taking Charlie and Joseph with her.
"I told Connor and Kian that they could come over later, is that okay?" Alfie asked.
"Yeah, of course! I've missed them loads!" I exclaimed.
I snuggled into his chest and neck and my eyes began to get heavy.
"I love you" I murmured.
"I love you too" he whispered back.

I think I've broken my foot. Fml.
thanks for reading,
Georgia. Xx

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