Chapter 16.

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Extra long... So brace yourselves... Ily all:)
Georgia. Xx


I woke up the next morning hoping that it was a dream, but I knew full well that it wasn't.
I started getting ready for school whilst attempting to think of a solution for mine and Alfie's problem. It was impossible.
Break time had just finished. I began walking towards my media class. I heard a cough behind me and turned round to see Joe and Oli. I took a deep breath and smiled politely .
"Sup!" Joe grinned at me,
"Hello Joe" I murmed,
We carried on walking whilst taking about general life when we got to our class.
I automatically went and sat next to Troye and Tyler at the back, leaving Joe to sit with Joey and Kian.
I looked around the class room and clasped eyes on someone sat in the corner with two other boys, Ricky and Sam. Alfie. He was mirroring dirty looks from Joe Weller, but soon noticed me staring.
He locked his eyes on mine for what seemed like hours but in reality probably a minimum of 5 seconds.
I soon realised where we were and darted my eyes back up to the white board at the front of the class.
"Get into pairs" the teacher huffed,
I desperately looked around.
Troye and Tyler went together, Joey and Kian, Ricky and Sam, and every one else in the class. Leaving Alfie, Joe and I.
I just stood there like a lemon, with both boys looking at me.
"I'll go with Zoë miss" Alfie spoke up,
"No it's okay Alfie, she can go with me." Joe spat as he said his name.
I took a step back.
"I'll work on my own" I muttered,
"You can't Zoe, just go as a three" the teacher smiled,
I arose my head from my feet and saw them both staring at each other, like lions fighting over meat.
Of course Joe didn't relise Alfie was actually my boyfriend. He just thought he was a bit of dirt on his shoe.
I needed to speak to them both. Now that their parents are together. The situation just got about 10 times worse.
"Go and take a seat at the table then, your group R" the teacher spoke, whilst she creases her eyebrows at me, clearly noting that something was up.
I simply smiled back and signalled the boys to follow behind me.
If I'm honest I didn't really want Alfie to see this side of me. It wasn't real. It's not the real me, he needs to remember that.
As if on que, Connor walked in. I let out a silent sigh of relief.
After miss had explained what we were doing, she called are group.
"One of you needs to go with Connor" she explained, thinking we wouldn't have worked it out already.
We all stayed silent. I looked both the boys in eyes and neither of them said even a word.
"I will" I smirked. I didn't know Connor, because he had only been here for about 2 weeks. But he seemed nice enough. He was in another group at school, which consisted of, Troye, Tyler, Joey, Kian, Ricky, Sam, Trevor and Jc. They were all popular, but not as much as our group, but they're all nice, I guess.
I turned round and saw Joe and Alfie both staring at me with puppy dog eyes. I shrugged it off and walked over to Connor.
"Hey" I grinned, as I took a seat next to him.
"Hello Sugg" he smiled.
We carried on talking for the majority of the lesson, and he was so good at giving advice on general life! I could clearly see that he will be a good friend of mine, and for a long time too.
Every so often I would stare back across the class room at Joe and Alfie. Alfie was sat at the computer screen doing most of the work, whilst Joe was sat back on the chair, in a whole different land.
Connor must of caught me looking abit to often because he soon brought it into convocation.
"Why do you keep looking at them?" He questioned, looking so genuinely confused.
I thought about it for a moment. Could I trust him? I feel like he could help the situation, could he?
Before I came to a definite answer, I was already talking.
About two mins before the bell, I had finished. I explained everything. And it felt so good to get it out.
"Oh...shit" he answered, whilst pulling a sympathetic/ worried face at me.
I pulled one back and he just sat there, probley wondering how much of a mess I am.
"Wait... Your with Alfie?"
Okay so maybe I forgot to mention the real me...
"How did that happen?" He laughed,
"He's a nerd!" He grinned,
I sighed, "if I meet you at the park later, I'll explain further"
"There's more to the story!" He laughed, "bloody hell!"
"Yeah, you don't have to listen, if you don't want to" I smiled.
"No I do, of course I do!" He smirked.
We swapped phones and put our numbers in.
"Thank you Connor"
"It's okay, thank you for not making me go in partners with Joe Weller, I've never liked him"
"Haha, see ya" I chimed as we walked out the class room separate ways to find our separate friends.
"See ya" he pouted.
I've defiantly found a true friend right here, and this one I could maybe hang out with at school without getting judged. Thank god.

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