Chapter 38. {new ish storyline involving lots of yters}

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I heard a knock on the door and a lot of voices downstairs.
"Zoe! We have guests!" My mum cheered up the stairs.
"Okay! Just coming!" I yelled back.
Alfie smiled at me and I got up and put my rabbit onesie on and put my hair up in a fresh, new, messy bun. I didn't really care what I looked like to be honest. I pulled on some frilly socks and grabbed Alfie's hand to begin trudging downstairs.
I froze in delight as I saw the sight of my living room.
Louise, Niomi, Marcus, Connor, Kian, Caspar, Louis, Matt, Tyler and Troye all stood there grinning at me.
I opened my arms and they all at once ran into me at full speed, and they just simply cradled me in a hug.
"I love you all so much" I said, my eyes watered as happiness took over me. I looked to my side and realised that Alfie was next to me, also involved in the hug.
"Thank you for everything, your the bestest friends ever" I carried on.
Even though they didn't know the real me, I felt like they did. And even if I let my true identity slip, I knew that I didn't matter anymore, because no matter what I liked or who I was inside, they loved it and they didn't mind. It was now I realised that, I now knew that faking my true self was ridiculous, they could see right through it. Now I don't have to hide, I can read every book in the library, I can take photographs and carry a camera by my side and I can fall in love with a nerd. The real me isn't that anymore, I'm just me.
2 months later.
It's now the end of November and Christmas is nearing. I'm still majorly in love with Alfie and my group of friends are still the best I could ever ask for.
But let me update you.
Tanya and Jims school had to shut down because of a fire, Tanya, Jim, Ingrid and Grace have now moved to our school and I couldn't be happier about it.
Niomi has stopped self harming and her and Marcus are stronger than ever. Louise and Matt are year 11s power couple followed by myself and Alfie. My brother has been formed into a new form group away from the bullies and is now one of the most popular in his year group, which I am incredibly proud of him for.
Alfie stays round my house about three times a week and my mum treats him like a son whilst Joe treats him as a brother.
Joe Weller has been moved to a bording school prison the otherside of England and his Auntie Casey was arrested and jailed about a month ago too.
Troye and Tyler are very much in love and Connor came out as gay about a month ago and I'm so extremely happy about it. Also Kian has joined the rugby and football team!!
As for Caspar and Louis, they have joined a travelling sports club, they get to go to a lot of places and do extreme sports which is amazing!
I also got my cast off my arm and it's all fixed now!!
And me? Well, I'm fine, it sounds ridiculous but I've now found my true self and I can be me at last, everyone seems to love the real me! More than myself in fact!

current time.
I ran in front of Caspar and pelted the ball towards Jim.
"Oiiiii! I never knew you could play football zo!" Caspar grinned at me as I threw my arms up in the air at my achievement.
"She's good!" My brother laughed as the popular year sevens walked over and began playing on the next pitch. Jim passed the ball back to me.
"Show us what you've got then lady Sugg" Jim laughed.
I kicked the ball a couple of metres in the air and the boys eyes nearly popped out there heads.
"Life lesson boys, DONT JUDGE GIRLS!" I giggled.
"How come you've never told me that you could play football?" Alfie sulked in the corner of the field with his head in the book 'paper towns' by John Green.
"How come you never asked?" I shot back, smiling in my victory. Arguments couldn't really go that far with me and nobody tried to test that fact out either.
"That's the bell" Tanya pulled a sad face as her and Ingrid picked their books up and shoved them into there bags.
I sighed and kicked the ball back to Marcus to put in his bag. I then ran over to Alfie and grabbed my bag. I took hold of his hand, kissed it, then pulled him up.
"Thanks gorgeous!" He smirked.
"Enough love birds!" Louis joked as he ran ahead of us all.
"Quick! Group selfie!" I heard Niomi shout. We all stood infront of her camera and posed.
"That was so perfect!" She squealed.
"Even with Joseph and Charlie in the back ground photobombing it" she said in a serious but soon erupted into laughter.
We all took a look at the famous 'photo bomb' and eventually laughed with her.
"Get to lessons kids!" We heard a teacher shout to us in the distance. We took a look around and released we were the only ones left on the field or the surrounding area. I mimicked a laugh to Tanya and Louise as we started in walk to geography.

Okay so I have a lot of explaining to do,
I didn't know how to carry on the storyline because I guess it just kinda came to a close and I really didn't want to end the book. So basically I'm starting a whole new storyline just linked to the one before. I have no idea if people will like this or not and if you want to stop reading now then thank you so much for reading this! And thank you all anyway! I love you all so ridiculously much for supporting this book!
Georgia. Xx

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