NO… I did not invite my brothers to my house…
Tapi dengan senang hatinya Sydney just glided in to my house with the pizzas and drinks in his hands and London trailing behind him with a sour look on his face…
“I paid for the pizza by the way…” konon lah kau, Sydney!
“sudahlah kau… I paid with my card, dungs…” saya jeling Sydney… “mau tembirang pun tidak pandai… ah, what are you guys doing here anyways?”
Ya, memang saya tidak mau dorang datang… kalau boleh saya mau kasi tapuk Selena untuk beberapa hari sampai I’m able to decide my next course of action… buat masa ni saya masih blur dengan tindakan saya dan masih blur dengan keadaan Selena…
“Sydney bilang ada new wayang yang best…” London bilang… “and that you needed company because you’ve been feeling very depressed lately…”
What the…? wayang best? I’m very depressed?
Yeah, yeah… once Selena comes down, memangpun ada wayang… best untuk Sydney lah… argh!
Dan begitulah adik-beradik saya… selamba saja melabuhkan punggung dorang di ruang tamu saya, enjoying the pizzas I got for Selena… nasib saya beli banyak sampai kesyokkan dorang makan...
But then again... with London’s mood… buat apa benda pun tidak best…
“jadi mana tu wayang?” London tanya… “bukalah tu TV…”
“jap, jap…” Sydney bilang… “macam saya dengar-dengar sudah… mau start sudah...”
Start apa, gila?!
Then Selena turun… and begitulah how authoritarian London is sampai saya mengukirkan senyuman kecil pada Selena… mau bagi dia semangat menghadapi London bah tu walaupun Sydney and London made me nearly choked on my pizza… I think I need Jordan around kalau begini… silap sikit betul-betul saya mati tercekik and these 2 buttheads bukan pandai simple CPR…
And Sydney can joke about me marrying Selena? mau kena tukul tu kepala dia…
1 brother is a company…
2 brothers are just crazy…
Bila 3 brothers combined, they make an army!I really can just go crazy… and with Sydney, Chester and London combined, my blood pressure level can just beat mom’s right now…
Saya bersyukur Chester ran out with a box of pizza and Sydney and London have their wives to layan…
Saya escorted them out of the door… giving Sydney a warning look and in my mind I need to lock the door behind me before anyone else decide to barge in uninvited… again...
“psst, Hol…” Sydney!
“apa lagi?” saya tanya…“ada barang kau yang lama sudah saya mau kasi balik…” Sydney bilang sambil tersenyum jahil…
I don’t have a good feeling about this…
“kalau setakat duit saya yang harga konlo mee, kau simpanlah saja tu…” saya membalas senyuman jahil si Sydney… “mana tau kau mau beli vibrator baru kah untuk Christmas…”
Sydney menggeleng kepala…
“sudah saya kirim si Don…”Kitai! London just shrugged macam setiap hari saja dia kasi beli Sydney sex toy from Milan…
Then Sydney gripped my right hand and placed a... handcuffs?
“oi! untuk apa ni?!” saya rasa macam mau terkeluar urat leher saya meneriak si Sydney… reflex saya terlempar tu handcuffs gara-gara terkejut… London sempat jumped to the side sebelum it hit him…
Romance6th RCB Love Legacy #REDEMPTION Original Writer: Amanda Dulagan Genre: Sabahan Slang Love Story Category: Love Story, 🔞🔞🔞-read at your own risk *** Just another love story #AMANDADULAGAN *** ⚠️ Story is mixed Sabahan Slang. Ada English, BM, Kad...