chapter 39

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Hahahaha! Kami menang the race. Tiadalah kesempatan saya mau cium dia.

I didn’t know Selena’s a very good swimmer. It got me thinking, apa saja yang dia tidak pandai? Dia pandai berlawan, dia pandai menyanyi, dia pandai berenang.

Oh, hampir saya lupa. Dia tidak pandai buat kopi dan memasak. Erk, itu boleh digilap bah bakat memasak dia bila dia sudah jadi bini.

Uh, bini.

Bini siapa, Hol?

Bini someone who deserves her, someday. Someday she’ll find the man that she’ll love and will love her in return.

The man that will own her body, heart and soul.

The man that will own her smiles and laughter, own her piuk.

The man that will wake up every morning to gaze at her beautiful serene face still sleeping in his arms.

I shook my head. No, that man can wait until she’s 30, or maybe 40. Let me live in this moment with her. Buduh punya fikiran!

“Why you?” Selena tanya saya balik. Kena balik bah kan soalan saya kepada dia tadi.

“Nothing.” Saya jawab.

I’m just appreciating one of God’s greatest masterpiece. Just by thought and Selena’s closeness gave me a hard-on. Matilah ni, I can’t remain terperap in the pool until my d*ck melembik. Sudahlah the water’s cold, it’ll be forever until my d*ck tidak sudah keras.

Saya memerhati lagi sekeliling saya, the weird expressions hilang sudah dari muka-muka dorang.

That as for awhile.

Until saya keluar dari the pool and pulled Selena out with me. The guys are chatting but the girls…

The girls are looking at…

“Apa kamurang tengok ni?” saya terasa offended oh!

Saya menekup my d*ck with both hands. Why are the girls staring at my d*ck?!

Mana laki-laki dorang tu?!

Oi, kamurang tengok bini-bini kamurang ni! uncensored betul tu mata dorang! Laju saya pulled up my shorts, biarlah masih basah-basah boxers saya.

Saya tidak tau dari mana bah datang auto-auto ni. Kadang my words pandai auto-tune. Sekarang my actions lagi.

I took the towel from Selena yang sedang drying off her body and started to wipe her body dry.

“Ho… Hol…” Selena gugup. I looked at her expectantly. Mau juga saya tanya kenapa tapi dia duluan sambung kata-kata dia “Or… orang tengok…”

Oh, siapa tu orang?

Erk, mom and dad.

Saya tengok yang lain semua macam pura-pura sibuk with their own activities - drinking, eating and playing with their kids.

Saya tersenyum canggung at mom and dad. Terutamanya dad yang memerhati saya macam helang ni mata dia.

“There, kering sudah. I’ll take your…” saya mau cakap saya ambil your dress, saya mau tanya mana she put her dress bah tu.

Tapi langkah saya terhenti dan kata-kata yang belum keluar dari mulut saya sudah termati duluan…

“Telling Selena’s my daughter last night…” Dad started. Okay… I’m listening. “I thought I’ll be called daddy.”

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