chapter 63

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Saya memegang passport saya.

“You sure you tidak mau I send you with my plane?” Kimmy tanya saya.

Saya menggelengkan kepala. Cukup sudah saya menyusahkan Kimmy. And anyways flight yang saya naik ni pun is Ava Air, the airline that belonged to my late grandfather. Being in business class is enough, tidak payah mau VVIP plane bagai. Kalau boleh saya mau duduk di ekonomi saja, yang paling hujung row number 30+.

It’ll be another 2 hours before my flight departs.

Saya memerhati orang-orang berlalu-lalang di kawasan airport. My heart skipped a beat everytime saya nampak kelibat lelaki macam-macam Holland. But everytime it’s not him.

Apa yang kau harapkan, Sel? Holland come after you sedangkan dia tidak tau kau sudah di airport leaving him for good?


Saya sudah jumpa Holland’s parents awal pagi tadi. I’m sorry I had to lie. No, Damien lied for me. Damien bagitau Holland’s family yang saya banyak urusan di KL berkaitan dengan harta dad. The only ones yang tau kebenarannya selain Damien, adalah Kimmy and Sydney.

But somehow ibu Holland yang menatap saya hiba seakan tau yang saya tidak akan balik lagi. She hugged me so tight as if she’s not letting me go.

Saya terasa betul naluri keibuan Aunty Bianca.

“May God bless every step of your way in life, Selena.” Then she whispered in my ear. “Love will lead you back. Or that love will find his way to you. Trust me.”

That love will find his way to you? To me? Find his way? Macam Aunty Bianca referring to a person instead of the context of love itself.

I smiled politely and lovingly at her. Sebelum pelukan kami terlerai, saya terasa tangan lembut Aunty Bianca pressed against my flat tummy.

“Come home safe, sweethearts.”

Sweethearts? Like hearts not heart? Terbulat mata saya. Is she referring to me and Damien? Saya hanya mampu tersenyum lemah sambil menyembunyikan wajah saya yang kebingungan.

-end of flashback-

Kimmy held up her hand just to let me know that she’s receiving an important call.

Then Kimmy ketawa yang bikin malu kami ni, semua orang tengok kami. Astaga, Kimmy, airport bah ni.

“Oho oho oho oho!” Or was it ho ho ho? Did Christmas came a little too early? “Kasi hantar video bah.”

“Ciss! Malas saya kau ni.” Kimmy rolled her eyes.

“Video or saya panggil kau hingus.” Hingus?

Then Kimmy barked with laughter again. Saya terdengar suara laki si Kleo shouting at the end of the line. Punya kuat suara dia.

“Jangan kau kasi ingat Kleo ah! Siap kau ni kalau saya terpaksa tidur with a gun pointing on my head for the next one week! Saya balik KK saya timbak wedding anniversary cake kau macam saya timbak engagement cake kau dulu! Kau tengoklah!” HAHAHAHA! Panasnya si Karter.

“Booo! Lama lagi wedding anniversary saya.” Kimmy stuck her tongue out. Macamlah Karter nampak.

Ah geez. I’m gonna miss them so much. All of them. The Robinsons, The Choongs, The Bestians.

After the call ended, Kimmy memandang saya dengan mata yang bersinar.
“Allana Lee…”

Ah? Allana Lee. Sakit hati saya dengar tu nama.

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