chapter 30

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Saya terasa cemburu kah tu bila Selena seems to back up Tyler with the 'salah sangka' statement and it didn't hurt her...? I don't like Tyler, memang patut saya cemburulah saya rasa... saya rasalah...

Tapi yang rupanya salah sangka adalah Selena... dia sangka saya mau suruh dia keluar dari rumah saya... gila kah apa? it never even crossed my mind if one day, Selena might leave my house...

Okay, so now it crossed my mind... and I don't like how that thought affects my feelings at the moment... sudah, jangan difikir!

"don't..." I whispered...

Bibir kami hampir bersentuhan... sejujurya saya mau melumat bibir dia dengan rakus, claiming that voluptuous lips, suck every breath out of her... but I need to get Selena to promise me... promise me one thing...

I wanted Selena to trust Sydney... and I know that Sydney tidak akan menolak permintaan saya...

Allana Lee won't be a strong public defense attorney for Selena... I know that for sure... some if not most, appointed defense attorneys wouldn't care if they win or not on pro bono cases... only those with heart and compassion will fight for their client's best interest...

Allana Lee... has no compassion, heart or empathy for anyone but herself... itu saya jelas boleh baca dari perwatakan Allana... dia harus sedar dia akan berdepan dengan siapa di mahkamah nanti, dia sendiri juga cakap I'm one of the greatest DPP... and one thing that is required in my characteristics as the greatest DPP is to read people...

Saya tau Allana is just one of those sophisticated, flirtatious women lawyers from the west that used to get what they want... even if it's sleeping with their clients...

In this case... you won't make your way to my bed just to win Selena's case, Allana...

Saya tidak mau melepaskan pautan bibir kami... but my handphone keep on TING-ing... Selena menolak dada saya...

Yeah, it might be urgent kalau sudah TING TING TING...

I unlocked my handphone screen to read the whatsapp messages yang membanjiri my handphone...


AG: Robinson
AG: I've made my decision
AG: But before that
AG: Tell me what do you want
AG: Dropby

"Selena..." saya tucked her hair behind her ear... saya merapikan rambut Selena yang sudah nampak so messy gara-gara kerakusan saya... "I have to go..."

And honestly, I don't know how long this might take me...


Saya bergegas keluar dari kereta saya setelah mematikan engine kereta, rumah AG sedang-sedang saja... I like this guy... very down to earth and humble...

It shocked me as I entered si AG's house... ada London and dad sudah duduk manis sana and another one of dad's retired colleague... sedang main... lap lap fu!

Kitai... main judi pula ni orang-orang tua on a Saturday evening... hahahaha!

Dad looked up at me with his cigar in between his teeth... kalau orang tidak tau dad was a former lawmaker, orang akan sangka dad was some kind of a mafia lord ni... tsk tsk...

"it's an honour..." si AG bilang... "having three Robinson boys with me today... where's the Australian?"

Sedang menggete... dan belum balas whatsapp saya dari tadi pagi...

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