chapter 26

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My laughter died down…

“that’s not why you are here, Lana…” my eyes dropped to the file on the coffee table…

Allana looked at me with amusement…
“Tuan DPP Holland Robinson…” bibir dia menyunggingkan sebuah senyuman… “I heard a lot about you… your cases…”

Her fingers caressed the rim of the glass…
“I’m impressed…”

Saya menaikkan satu kudou…
“being in New York for two decades… you’ve heard a lot about me… I’m impressed…”

Allana tersenyum… manis… manis bah tu kan? bukan menggoda…
“well… words travel fast… involving one of the greatest, most powerful prosecutors… and…” she laughed, huskily… “the hottest and most eligible bachelors…”

Bachelor? saya bujang? Ah, ya juga… saya duda yang bujang bah kan…

Mata saya menatap jari-jemari dia… and being the lawyer that she is, dia dapat tangkap dan membaca pandangan mata saya…

“I never got married…” dia bilang tanpa saya tanya…

I just shrugged… not my business to know about her personal life…

Then she leaned down, menayangkan lurah dendam dia… dia berbisik…
“the promise, remember…?”

Promise? I lost track sebab macam terlampau banyak pula dia bercakap and I don’t get what’s her point to meet me straight up at my doorstep…

If it’s for courtesy call to grief on the lost of Thania, dia boleh call saja…
If it’s about work… she can meet me in my office…

Then she laughed again as if that’s the funniest thing ever…

“serious…” I smiled lazily… penat sudah saya… kepala saya berpusing ni sekarang… “I don’t think you’re here just to compliment me…” itu satu sindiran sudah dari saya… “do you need a job recommendation or something?”

Ni kali dia ketawa lagi…

You know, Allana… all that laughter is rubbing on my skin right now… it’s getting annoying… mungkin sesetengah lelaki suka perempuan sikit-sikit ketawa that throaty and husky laugh… but not me…

“come on humour me…” kuat ketawa kan… “you’re making me nervous…” with all that laughter of yours, saya rasa macam mau lari naik atas… atas… di… bilik Selena…

“am I?” okay, ini senyuman menggoda… mata dia macam yang dia mau buat seakan pandangan yang mengancam jiwa…

“what’s that file you brought with you by the way?” saya tanya…

Ini chit-chatting kosong kah atau ada bersangkut-paut dengan kerja?

“I like it when you’re nervous…” oh god… can you just go straight to the point? kalau orang lain ni sudah saya bagi tatapan membunuh atau halau terus dari pandangan mata saya… oleh sebab dia kawan Thania, dan juga kawan saya, I try to keep my patience intact…

“can I see that file?” saya tanya… menahan kegeraman saya…

Allana picked up the file… dia seakan menghulurkan the file to me, then snatch it back…
“what do I get if I show you this file?” lagi dia senyum sambil menaikkan satu kudou…

Nothing… but if you don’t give me that file… you’ll get something… you’ll get kicked out from my house… itu yang saya mau cakap!

Namun mata saya tertangkap kata-kata yang tertera on the file sebelum Allana sempat menarik kembali…

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