chapter 32

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Kuat saya menahan nafsu untuk tidak menerobos Selena, sampai termigraine saya dua hari.

That night I carried her to bed and let her sleep in my arms.

Saya membelai rambut and pat her lightly to sleep. I stared at her beautiful face. Dalam tidur yang nyenyak pun sesekali mulut dia terkumat-kamit menonjolkan piuk dia yang dalam. Something stirred deep inside me, deep in my soul.

Saya mendaratkan kucupan ringan di kudou dia, that naturally thick and arched eyebrows. Dan disusuli oleh kucupan-kucupan ringan on her perky nose, down to her luscious lips. My eyes wandered down to the valley of her breasts…

Saya teringat those pink perky n*pples the day I stepped in her room seeing her naked for the first time. I licked my lips, my throat getting dry just thinking about that day.

My imagination ran wild, imagining the taste of her pink buds…

Stop, Hol.

An hour passed dan saya masih tidak dapat tidur. I lay Selena’s head gently on the pillow, kissing her forehead.

“ssshhh…” as I felt her stirring in her sleep… “I promise… everything will be alright…” I whispered.

Is it more to myself or to her? apakah perasaan saya ni? saya sedar Selena sentiasa mampu membangkitkan nafsu jantan saya, namun saya juga sedar yang dia telah membangkitkan sesuatu yang lebih dalam... dalam hati saya.

I got up from the bed. Saya merapikan selimut yang membungkus tubuh indah Selena.

Now, I need a cold shower.

Then I’ll start working on the case again…


“You’re back.” saya menyapa Sydney yang sudah berada di ruang pintu pejabat saya…

“I had to kan.” Sydney rolled his eyes at me.

Yeah, dia sepatutnya balik before New Year, tapi disebabkan saya, adik saya yang tersayang ni balik awal juga bah.

“Howard Patan’s dead.” saya memulakan bicara.

Sydney looked a little shocked.
“that’s not good.”

“Selena has a DA.” saya bilang.
“that’s good.” Sydney balas.
“Allana Lee.” saya bilang lagi.
“that’s not good.” Sydney replied.


“you know her reputation in New York right?” Sydney tanya saya sambil memicingkan mata.

“I don’t give a damn about her.” I said, a little too rough though.

Sydney took out his cigarette, lit it, inhaled and puffed out the smoke.
“why is she back? DA lagi tu.”

“I… don’t know... ” sebenarnya saya ada rasa ganjil-ganjil juga tapi itu cuma firasat. I don’t want to make any assumptions dan menuduh Allana yang bukan-bukan. “maybe she’s already too rich by scouting the New Yorkians’ money, so she came back to do charity for her country.” I shrugged.

Mata Sydney membulat… lantas dia ketawa terbahak-bahak…
“Allana… Lee…? charity? you must be kidding me.”

Saya sibuk bah di mahkamah juvana, mana saya ada masa mau dengar gossips.

“do you know how she got the DA post?” Sydney tanya saya. Saya menggelengkan kepala.

Eh, macam Sydney tau sudah bah Allana sudah memegang jawatan sebagai public defense attorney sebelum saya bagitau dia pun. Adik saya lebih advance oh…

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