chapter 29

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Siapa sangka saya akan bertemu Hailey dan Justin di Imago?

Haihhh! kalau Holland tidak paksa jalan sama Tyler pasal janji yang tidak pernah-pernah pun saya buat, pertemuan yang menyakitkan hati, memanaskan jiwa dan menggatalkan tangan saya untuk menampar muka Hailey tidak akan terjadi…

Slapping Hailey’s face and box her until her eyes bleed are my darkest fantasies… how I wish I could’ve belasah dia sama macam saya belasah uncle Howard…

Tapi tunggu… did Hailey just said saya telah membunuh bapa dia?

Dari ekor mata saya, saya menatap muka Holland yang macam mau makan orang saja… he looks like he’s driving with full concentration ni kalau orang tidak tau what just happened at the mall…

Saya mau tanya bah kenapa Hailey cakap begitu and the way Holland spat back at Hailey macam he knows something but he’s just not telling me…

Sampai saja rumah Holland, he drove into the parking garage…

Dia mematikan engine kereta tapi tidak nampak macam dia mau keluar… it surprised me that he leaned his forehead against the steering wheel… macam dia stress betul…

Holland menunduk dan menempelkan dahi dia pada steering kereta… without looking up I heard him saying…

“ask what you wanna ask…” suara dia kedengaran lesu…

“I… uh…” saya gugup… “tiada yang saya mau tanya…” saya tipu…

Holland menoleh menatap saya, kepala dia masih di steering…

“Selena…” his voice deep, he looks like he’s battling with himself… but nothing came out after my name…

“Holland… are you okay?” saya tanya dengan lembut…

I looked at his disheveled look… he didn’t shave pula tadi pagi… has this gotta do with Tyler? macam saya mau mengusap lembut rahang dia yang tumbuh dengan bulu-bulu kasar… saya terasa seakan my heart just did a back flip…

“you don’t have to worry about Tyler’s words…” I tried to comfort him… “dia salah sangka saja tu, I didn’t feel insulted… if that’s what…”

“you’re defending Tyler?” Holland tanya saya, rahang dia menegang…

No! after Holland stood by me, protecting me against Hailey… dan menepis kata-kata Tyler, how can I defend Tyler?

“no…” saya terasa bulir air mata di sudut mata saya… “I… I just… don’t want you to feel worried that his words might hurt me…”

Lama Holland menatap mata saya… mata kami saling bertatapan... then he reached out to wipe the tears from the corner of my eyes…

“Selena…” mula lagi suara dia seakan something is troubling him so bad…

Saya jadi takut… dubs dubs dubs jantung saya… is he going to ask me to leave his house? terasa berat terus hati saya untuk meninggalkan rumah Holland… dan… meninggalkan Holland… macam perih hati saya rasa… I looked at his face again, his eyes, his lips… I want to kiss that lips…

If this is gonna be one of the last moments that I can see Holland’s handsome face, then I’m going to gather my courage and kiss him…

One. Last. Time

I lifted my hand, my fingers tracing his soft lips… Holland menarik nafas tajam lantas memejamkan mata… saya memberanikan diri mengusap rahang dia… and I felt his soft lips on my palm, kissing my palm… my heart started racing… it’s a no winning race when it comes to Holland and my heart…

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