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I looked at the file on the prosecution team's desk... what's next? saya mengeluh...

Saya menatap case file di depan saya... pandangan saya menembusi the file... I can't even make out the words on the file... this is too short notice... I'm not supposed to have any court case today...

Saya menghembus nafas kasar lantas meraup wajah saya...

Focus, Holland... focus, man...

Taking over DPP Christopher Wong's case in such short notice atas sebab dia dimasukkan ke hospital on a minor case of heart attack got me unprepared... apa tidak dia heart attack, hari-hari handle case budak-budak jajal...

DAD! bring me back to magistrate or the high court... saya jera, dad... saya jera di Mahkamah Juvana! tolonglah...

Saya juga bah yang minta Mahkamah Juvana... rasalah kau, Holland...

Saya minta dad mengurus my temporary transfer to Juvenile court as soon as Neilson Rash was convicted of the death of my family... sssss... sakit... macam mau keluar migraine saya...

I think it's just me... Magistrate's, High or Juvenile... even dump me back in KL... saya masih akan terasa all the stress and pressure that comes with my job title...

Saya tersentak dari lamunan saya apabila the court room door shut closed...

Walking into the court room escorted by 2 orang pegawai polis, is a girl that I have seen... twice... inilah gadis yang telah memukul 2 orang budak lelaki tu hari... nampaknya the boys or their parents made a police report...

Dengan pantas saya membuka file di depan saya... SELENA ANDERSON.

She's only 17...

I read through the case file... dia dituduh memukul seorang bernama Howard Patan yang merupakan bapa saudara dia... so it's not about the 2 boys? why was she beating the 2 boys anyways? her martial arts skill is actually quite impressive...

Staring her figure in between the 2 police officers, she has that proud look on her... pride and... anger... saya teringat what day is today, kalau saya tidak silap hari ni masih lagi SPM dijalankan... I heard the clerks and officers yang ada anak menduduki SPM bercerita tadi pagi...

Dengan naluri seorang bapa, I walked up to her... she's already sitting at the defendant's desk...

What is she doing here dengan pakaian OKT yang berwarna unggu? she should be in her school uniform answering exam papers not waiting for jail time...

Dahi saya berkerut... saya baru mau bagi dia ceramah kebapaan yang lengkap dengan ayat-ayat sudah ni... "apa kau buat going around beating up the whole world when you're supposed to concentrate on your SPM papers?"

Towering above her... I opened my mouth...

Then dia mendongak, her beautiful eyes show no feelings... no remorse, no guilt, no fear... then her voice dropped low...

Close to a whisper, but I heard her clearly...
"he tried to rape me..."

DUSH jantung saya! saya teringat saat Bella hampir dirogol oleh Fuckermeerkhan...

"Selena... do you have a lawyer?" saya tanya, dan dia menggelengkan kepala... saya translate kata-kata saya... "kau ada peguambela?"

Sangkaan saya yang dia tidak pandai English... then it dawned on me that she said her first sentences in English...

I looked back at the file in my hands... saya membelek the file... ada beberapa gambar mangsa dalam kecedaraan... entah dia mangsa kah atau dia lah pemangsa... if I were to believe this girl's claims, means she's the victim and she's only trying to protect herself...

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