chapter 35

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Back to SELENA’S P.O.V

Saya rasa beratus kali sudah saya nyanyi Ed Sheeran's Perfect, tapi tidak pernahlah se-stress dan setegang sekarang. Dan tidak pernah in a duet.

I’m so oblivious to the cheer of the crowd.

My nervousness sampai mau buat saya terkencing oh. Ini betul-betul kencing okay. Penuh sudah pundi kencing saya.

“Sele…” Holland cuba menggapai tangan saya...

“I need to pee...” wrong word, Sel.

Holland menaikkan satu kudou.
“You want me to help?”

“Huh?” sedetik mata saya terbulat, then realization hit me.

Astaga! gete oh si Tuan DPP ni!

Saya menggelengkan kepala sambil mengerutkan dahi…

“no, saya mau kencing, Holland” I turned to leave as fast as I could.

Bila saya keluar from the toilet cubicle, saya nampak ada Allana yang sedang touch-up her makeup depan cermin.

I washed my hands secepat mungkin and walked passed her to the tissue dispenser. I dried my hands with tissue saja instead of the hand dryer machine because I don't want to be in a stuffy room too long with someone I dislike.

Throwing the tissue in the dustbin, I turned to leave the washroom tapi saya bertembung pula dengan Allana yang standing so close behind me.

Lagi, dia menyentuh dagu saya…
“I wonder who you really are, Selena…” her voice so smooth as silk but sounded venomous like a snake.

Saya tidak membalas, I just looked at her right in the eye.

“You don’t look like any of the Robinsons” her finger touching my cheek lightly “and it’s pretty weird that Holland never mentioned you’re his sister when I was at his house.”

Saya meneguk liur.

“If you’re his sister… why aren’t you staying with your parents? Why are you staying with your brother? Just the two of you... hmmm…” timbul sudah rasa curiga dia. “why were you wearing a maid’s dress for your brother, Selena?”

That sounded disgusting! I felt hot flushes creeping up my cheeks.

“Get your hands off me…” saya menepis tangan dia. “I don’t have to answer to any of your questions.” bitch, sikit saya mau tambah.

Saya menjadi marah. Sudahlah saya teringat beberapa kali dia bersama Holland. And working on my case with Holland lagi tu!

Tiba-tiba saya terfikir… working on my case with Holland? bukan dia sepatutnya against Holland kah if she is to be my defense attorney? Kenapa dia bilang ‘working with’ sedangkan Holland is my prosecutor? Nyeri pula saya teringat yang sooner or later Holland has to prosecute me.

Saya pushed her to the side and walked towards the door, exiting the washroom in double strides.

Just as I twisted the door knob, suara dia yang nyaring tu kedengaran lagi.

“Holland is mine, Selena.” Dubs dubs dubs jantung saya!

Saya menahan sebak. If Holland wants you, Allana, I have no say in his decision. I don’t own him.

I’m only an 18-year-old teenager that has nowhere to go and waiting to be kicked out anytime when Holland wants.

I twisted the door knob again, one foot out until dia bersuara lagi macam tu perempuan iblis!

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