2- Oɴᴄᴇ Uᴘᴏɴ ᴀ Lᴀᴅʟᴇ

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I realized I was being a bit too mean to Rosé so I decided to help her paint.

I hate to admit it but the moment I saw her when I walked in with Irene, I felt happy.

But I can't tell her that, right?

"Paint date?" I asked cheerfully when I started carefully painting the wall.

I looked back at her to see her expression and she looked confused.

"What did you say?" She walked up to me.

"I want to help you paint" I explained and she looked at the wall.

"You're painting the wall red.." She almost croaked.


I looked at the wall and noticed it was painted purple...

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know" I looked at the wall hysterically.

She looked a bit upset so I hugged her.

Why did I do that?!

I was about to pull away but she snaked her little arms around my waist and came closer to me.

I felt weak and could do nothing but rest my chin on her crown.

"Guysss-- huh?" Irene walked into the room and I slowly let go of Rosé. I didn't want to hurt her feelings by pushing her away.

She looked away with red cheeks and I looked at Irene.

She bit her bottom lip and wiggled her brows at me.

I rolled my eyes and fixed my shades on top of my head then picked up the paintbrush again.

Thank God I didn't skip that YouTube ad...


I didn't expect Jisoo to hug me, at all.
I literally thought I was dreaming so I hugged her back.

I felt a hot sensation spread across my cheeks when she placed her chin on my crown.

I was sure I would pass out from all the fangirling I was holding in but Irene saved me.

"Guysss-- huh?" She looked surprised but started wiggling her brows and I blushed.

Jisoo picked up the paintbrush again and surprisingly, fixed her mess.

"H-how did you do that?"

"I watched an ad on YouTube" She said without looking away from the wall she was painting.

"Oh. You're a natural" I smiled and picked up my brush so I could start painting the other wall.

Jisoo finished her side of the wall pretty quickly and took off the mirror on the other wall then she started to paint.

Wow... I never knew she could paint..

I was almost done with my wall when I realised I couldn't reach the top.

It was too high and I was a few centimetres too short.

Before I could think of anything, Jisoo lifted me up and I nearly had a heart attack.

She handed me her brush and I gulped.
I took it shakily and she looked back at the wall.

I started to paint the wall, praying to God that I shouldn't die in Jisoo's arms.

I need to let out this fangirl!

Luckily, my wish was granted and Jisoo let me down.

"Thank you" I said and she nodded.

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