6- Bᴀʀʙɪᴇ Dᴏʟʟ Iɴ Tʜᴇ Aʀᴇᴀ ᴘᴛ. 2

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"Jisoo unnie?" I looked into the mirror and a horrific chill ran down my spine. "Lisa" I quickly turned around but she trapped me to the sink.

"I told you I'd see you later" She smirked but I didn't dare to look at her.

"Let me go Lisa"

"Why? Don't you like me?" She asked me carefully and I shook my head.

"But I like you" She cooed and I stared at her, shocked by her duality.

"I'm someone's girlfriend"

"Who? Jisoo? Jisoo's an idol. Everyone's gonna be after you two. But me? I'm a CEO. You could have much more freedom with me, trust me" She whispered the last part in my ear.

"No, I don't care about that"

"Then I'll make you" She started leaning closer to me and I leaned back.

I was about to knee her when Jisoo unnie opened the door.

"You. I thought I made myself clear about Rosé" She grabbed Lisa by her collar.

"You did. Your opinion just doesn't matter to me"

I watched them glare at each other with hate in their eyes.

"Stay away from Rosé, Lisa"

"I'm gonna give you a honest reply, no. I WON'T stay away from Rosé. I want her"

It all happened so fast that I had to look at Lisa's face to know that she got punched in the jaw.

"Wow, bravo. I didn't know Idols could punch so hard" Lisa touched her jaw and winced.

"I don't want to see you near Rosé ever again or you'll end up in a hospital one of these days, you can trust me on that" Jisoo unnie grabbed my hand and took me out of the bathroom with her, leaving Lisa there.

"What happened back there?" Irene asked us when we got to our table.

"You can ask that spoilt brat you call a business partner" Jisoo unnie said angrily and I rubbed her shoulder.

"Lisa followed you to the bathroom?"

"Yes. She tried to kiss me" I could feel Jisoo unnie's fist tightening and I held it.

"Hey did you punch Lisa? She's got an ice pack" Jimin pointed out and we looked at her.

She was pressing an ice pack to her jaw and she gave us the peace sign, when she noticed me, the sign, although it remained a 'V', turned vulgar.

Jisoo unnie made to get up but I held her back.

"Who the heck does she think she is?" Jisoo unnie asked angrily.

"She said she's a CEO" I told her.

"She is. She's the CEO of Manoban Corp. and she's the oldest Manoban" Irene explained.

"Oldest? She looks like the maknae of a teenage kpop band"

"Are you talking about Boystory?" Jimin asked her and she shrugged.

"Lisa is almost 23 years old, Jisoo" Irene told her.

"So? I'm 25. I don't deal with prissy spoilt brats. And if she gets me rilled up one more time she's getting more than a punch"

"Firstly, you're turning 25 in a few months. Secondly, you're an Idol, Jisoo all eyes are gonna be on you AND your fight better not take place in my bar!" Irene pointed at Jisoo crazily, her eye twitching.

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