15- Sᴛᴀʏ Tᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀ

440 29 7


Seulgi's going on a tour to Japan aaaaand she wants me to accompany her.

I mean, I did help her with her lyrics so maybe she wants to thank me.

But from the look in her eyes when she asked me, I figured it was more than that.

Maybe she'll finally tell me how she feels?

"Just maybe.. it's high time already Seulgi" I looked outside my window with her old jacket on my shoulders.

"Speaking of which, would Jisoo and Chaeng mind house sitting for me...?" I thought about it and called Jisoo.

She answered on the fourth ring and I blushed when I heard her voice.

"What's up Irene?" She asked and I cleared my throat, trying not to focus on the sounds coming from the background.

"I w-was just wondering if you and Chaeng might want to house sit for me? I'm going on tour with Seulgi" I asked and she breathed.

"Of course not-- Chaeng, do you mind house sitting for Irene with me?"

"No, I don't. In fact I think it'll be fun-- stop it babo!" I blushed again and felt flustered.

"O-okay. Thank you. I'll hang up now--"

"Wait! When are you leaving-- hold on.."

"Three days from now" I said and literally heard them kissing.

"Okay, we'll come see you later. We're busy right now" Jisoo said and I smiled.

"Okay. See you later" I hung up and looked at the wall. Mine and Seulgi's framed picture was there. We look so happy in that picture.

I picked it up and looked at it.

It was at one of her fan signs and she was hugging me after introducing me to her fans as her friend.

"You can be really silly if you want to be" I said to the picture and kissed it.

"And you?" I heard Seulgi's voice from the door and I hid the picture behind me.

She walked up to me and stared at me.

She reached behind me and took the picture from me.

She smirked when she saw it and I blushed.

"It's not what it looks like" I said and she quickly backed me to the wall before I could run away.

I'm so scared right now...

I couldn't look at her and she smirked down at me.

She gently moved my face up so I was looking at her.

"I know you have feelings for me Irene"

I gulped and looked at her nervously.

"No.. I don't" I still have my dignity, she looks mischievous right now.

She leaned close to my face and kissed me softly.

I kissed back and pulled her closer to myself... but she broke the kiss.

"I thought you said you didn't have feelings for me?" She smirked.


"Shh" She placed a finger to my lips and leaned close to my ear.

"I think you love me" She whispered naughtily and I shivered.

"But I know I love you" She pulled away and I looked at her.

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