4- Jᴜsᴛ ᴀ Fᴀɴ?

696 33 12


Irene didn't bring my car so I was waiting outside for my driver, wondering where he was.

It was cold outside so I was hugging myself.

A car pulled up in front of me and I bent a bit to see someone with a black baseball hat.

"I know it's you unnie" I said stubbornly and she opened the door and got out of her car, smiling at me.

I just looked away from her and she brought her face close to mine.

"Stop it.." I pushed her back a little and she reached in her car. She brought something out but hid it behind her and I rolled my eyes.

She grabbed my hand slowly and held it, surprising me.

"I'm sorry" She opened my hand and placed a rose in it.

"You have every right to be mad at me"

"You said I was just a fan Jisoo unnie. Who brings home made food for a fan or helps them paint a bar that big?" I asked her she looked down.

"No one"

"But you did. And I know you wouldn't do that for just any fan.. or.. would you?" I asked her meekly.

"No, I wouldn't" She said and held my shoulders. "Because you aren't just a fan. You're my friend" A smile spread across her lips and I couldn't control my joy when I jumped and hugged her, my legs flying to her waist.

"Oh my God, unnie!"

"I knew it!" Someone shouted and I looked up to see Jimin looking at us from the balcony and I sighed.

"That's my brother Jimin, do you remember him?" I asked, peeling myself off of her.

"Yeah, he fainted yesterday. Hi Jimin!"

Jimin fanboyed and screamed.

"Hi, JISOO!"

Jisoo laughed and I blushed.

Jimin seemed to have remembered something and he was down in a flash.

"Do you want me to sign that?" Jisoo pointed to the album in his hand.

"Oh no, I'm not like Alice noona. I was just wondering if you could, you know get IU to sign this?"

I shook my head. Didn't he just say he wasn't like Alice unnie??

"That's okay. Anything for Rosie's fam" Jisoo smiled at him and he jumped.

Anything for Rosie's fam?

"Thank you Jisoo!" He bowed and jumped.

Jimin goes to every one of IU's fansigns unless he's sick -he wouldn't want to get her sick- so why is he so excited?

"It's okay. I'm sure IU wouldn't mind"

"Ahhh! Aliceeeeeeeee!"

Jimin ran inside the same way he came out.

"He looks really happy"

"Because of you. Thank you" I said and she chuckled.

"I love making people happy" She said and I nodded.

She walked over to the passenger's door of her car and opened it.

"Do you still want to ride with me?"

I smiled nervously and held my bag tightly.



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