3- Mʏ Fᴀɴ

875 37 59


I was done shooting the second part of my video and I had nothing else to do so I decided to check on Rosé-- for Irene of course...


I arrived at the bar and pulled up.

Rosé's car wasn't there and I had a feeling Irene didn't return it.

I walked in and met Rosé getting on a ladder.

"Hey" I said to get her attention and when she turned around, I waved at her.

"Unnie? When did you get here?"

"Just now. Do you need help?" I asked her and she looked at the walls. They were covered in burn marks.

"I don't want to bother you. Didn't you just finish shooting your video?"

"Yes, but I want to help you out-- do you think I'm... weak?" I asked and gasped dramatically.

"No, no. That's not what I was implying-- you can paint if you want to. I know you're really strong" She gave in and I looked at her comically then grabbed a brush.

I dipped it into her paint bucket and started to paint.

I'm getting really good at this. Of course I am, I'm Jisoo afterall.



"About yesterday, I'm sorry about my mom--"

"It's okay. I didn't mind. She's your mom so she has every right to question me" I told her and there was silence for a while.

I looked at her and realised she was looking at me and I looked away with a smile.

I looked back at her and she was unconsciously painting the top of the ladder.

I chuckled and she looked at the ladder and a look of horror appeared on her face.

"Oh no.."

I started laughing at her and she frowned.

"Joesong hamnida" I made a mock bow and she started laughing.

I handed her a rag and she cleaned the ladder with it.

"Aren't you getting hot? It's a bit hot in here" She asked me and I shrugged.

I unzipped my jacket and tied it around my waist.

I heard Rosé gulp and when I looked at her, she was looking at the wall intently, and painting it too. I shrugged and continued what I was doing.

I was done with my wall and I looked at Rosé but she was painting an already painted wall nervously.

"Rosé, that wall has been painted already, by you"

"Oh, so it was this wall? Sorry, I'll go to the next room" She said in a high voice and walked past me quickly.

I followed her with my paintbrush resting on my shoulder.

"That was close" She breathed as soon as we got to the room.

"What was close?"

"The wall!" She jumped and I walked closer to her but she took a quick step back.



Jisoo must think I'm weird now!

But it wasn't my fault, she took off her jacket.. maybe it is my fault.

"Uhm, how was your day at the studio?"

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