7- Tʜᴇ Bᴇɢɪɴɴɪɴɢ ᴏғ CʜᴀᴇSᴏᴏ

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"Jisoo unnie!"

"Hold still!"


It's been three days since we met Lisa and I decided to take Rosé to a fair for our first date.

We decided to go on the ferris wheel but I was scared of heights so I threatened to make her go on the ride alone.

"This isn't fair unnie" She kicked her legs which made it difficult for me to hold her up.

"That's what I thought when YOU suggested it" I told her and she stopped for a while.

"Why don't we just go on it, together?" She suggested.

"I'll give you the same answer I did the last five times. No, ani" I said strongly and she giggled.

"Come on unnie. I'll be there with you. You can hold my hand if you want" She said in between laughs and I thought about it.

"But if you want to convince me you're a coward..."

"I'm not a coward"

"Prove it"

"How?" I asked her and she pointed at the ferris wheel.

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"You look so scared"

"I'm not" She retorted.

"Okay, we'll see" I said and as the ride slowly started, she closed her eyes.

You could read the fear from her body lanuage.

There was a sudden jerk in the ride and she quickly held my hand.

"Oh my.. are you really scared of the ride?" I asked her and she nodded.

"But you said you weren't"

"Every coward says that" She said uneasily.

"Don't worry, I'm with you, my coward" I rubbed her shoulder and she pushed me.

"Don't call me that you Chipmunk"

"Me? A chipmunk? Why would you say that?" I asked and she poked my cheek.

"These.. your cheeks look like those of a chipmunk" She smirked and I shook my head.

"I thought you were scared a while ago?" I asked her.

"Of what?" She asked in a carefree manner.

"The height"

"What height?" She looked out the window of the ride and jumped back in. "Ahh! When did we get so far away from the ground?!" She hugged me instantly and I giggled at her cuteness.

She didn't let go of me until the whole ride was over.

"That was fun" I said to Jisoo unnie. She was currently backhugging me out of fear.

"Shut up chipmunk" She mumbled and I burst out laughing.

She eventually gave in and joined me.

"Look, a haunted house"

"No, no!" I backed away.

"Oh come on Rosie, it's just a haunted house" She mimicked my words.

"I'm really sorry about that but I can't go in there"

"Really? That's your excuse?" Jisoo unnie started laughing at me so much that she had to rest her hands on her knees.

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