25- Sᴀᴠᴀɢᴇ Lᴏᴠᴇ

684 24 21


Jisoo unnie and I had just gone to the doctor so he could examine my neck.

He said that due to the stress I went through yesterday, I had to keep my neck brace on for a few more days so my neck could heal properly and shouldn't be damaged.

"Thank you doctor nim" Jisoo unnie shook his hand and we left.

"Are you okay?" She asked me when we got outside and I stopped walking.

"I'm okay" I said and continued walking.

She opened the door for me and I got in quietly.

"I'm sorry this happened to you Pasta, I really am" She held my hand as she got seated and I squeezed her hand.

"I know you are. I know you. I just don't want you to feel sorry for me, that's all. I'm not so weak you know?" I told her and she nodded.

"I also don't want things to change between us, promise me that?" I looked at her and she nodded then she kissed my hand.

"I love you" She looked into my eyes.

"I love you too, babo" I reached out and touched her cheek and she smiled.

We got to my house and I noticed someone being pushed out by Jimin and Alice.

"And don't ever step on this property because if you do, I'm gonna beat the hell out of you!" Jimin threatened the person and I realised it was Lisa so I rushed out of the car.

She was injured already and my dad was on the phone.

"Chaeyoung..." She croaked and got up and hugged me.

"I'm sorry I hurt you... I wasn't thinking straight... if only I could turn back the hands of the clock, I promise I would have acted differently. I'm so sorry!"

I never thought I'd witness Lisa crying, or saying sorry. But here she is, crying on my shoulder and apologising sincerely.

She held onto me tightly but Jimin pulled her back and punched her in the jaw.

I knew she could fight back if she wanted, but she kept on looking at me, a look of regret in her eyes.

"What did I tell you about my sister?" Jimin grabbed her collar but she was still looking at me.

Jisoo unnie placed her hands on my shoulders and I hugged her.

"I can't stay away from her Jimin. Don't you have someone like that?" I heard Lisa asking Jimin and there was silence for a while.

"Don't you dare act pitiful Lisa Manoban. You're just a snake!" Jimin accused her and she stood straight.

"You never bothered asking me why I'm a snake. Maybe you should think about that, Jimin Park" Lisa said calmly and Jimin looked lost.

Soon enough, tthe police arrived and they were coming for Lisa but she ran towards me and hugged me again.

"I'm sorry, I really am... please try to forgive me Chaeyoung... please" She whispered in my ear and Jisoo unnie and my dad pulled us apart.

The cops took Lisa away from me but she was shouting my name all along.

"CHAEYOUNG! I promise I'm gonna make it up to you! I promise I'll change!" She screamed as the police led her away.

I just laid my head on Jisoo unnie's chest and she kissed the top of my head.

Isn't she getting what she deserves? Why do I feel bad now?

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