33- Aɴᴏɴʏᴍᴏᴜs Cᴀʟʟᴇʀ

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There will be a surprise after this chapter. What you've been waiting for


After that incident in the morning, Jisoo unnie and I went to visit my parents.



Jimin and Alice engulfed me in a bear hug and I was lifted off the floor.

"You Chipmunk... I-- Alice noona missed you!" Jimin whined and pinched me.

"Ow! You didn't miss me? Mochi boy?" I started tickling him and Alice helped me.

It really reminded me of our childhood.

"Nooo! Stop, I'll die from laughter!!!" He hollered like a mad man and we let him go.

"Jisoo, thanks for bringing Rosie to visit us" Alice thanked her and she nodded.

"So, how's you?" Jimin nudged Jisoo's arm and wiggled his brows.

"I'm fine Jimin"

"No, how's you and Chaeng? Should I start buying diapers for the little mochi, hm?"

"JIMIN!" I whacked the back of his head with my purse and jumped on him. Even Jisoo moved back in fear.

It's a miracle Jimin is still alive. And he hasn't killed me either.

"Jimin, stop teasing your sister. But are we gonna have a little Rosie?" My dad asked excitedly as he walked down the stairs with mum, in his pyjamas.

"Daddddd!" I whined and whacked Jimin's head.

"Ow Jesus.."

"Honey, we're not pushing you. We're just curious since yesterday was your night and all and we were with the Kims' at the hotel. And you two weren't there..." My mom explained and I blushed.

"Yeah bet she was having a blast" Jimin said sarcastically and since I was on his back, I choked him.

"Yah! Mom! Tell her to get going already!"

Mom just waved her hand and Jisoo chuckled.

Then she helped me off Jimin.

"Thank you sis in law" Jimin smiled and I lunged at him but Jisoo held me back.

"Come on, breakfast is ready" Mom called from the kitchen and we went there.


"So this is Rosie from when she was a toddler"

"Aww! Hon, you're so cute! I wish I could squish your chubby chubby cheeks! Oh wait I can" Jisoo cooed and squished my cheeks.

"Whyyyy mom?"

"Jisoo is your wife, she deserves to see this-- oh, this one is from her first day at school"

Now this babo just looks like an anime girl meeting her crush.

"She's so adorable I could cry.." The babo wiped away some fake tears and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't worry, we're with you" Alice comforted her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Okay" She nodded and held Alice's hand.

Jimin just folded his arms and shook his head grudgingly while I rolled my eyes at them.


Rosé and I left her parents' house and we had a silent drive, with her holding my hand.

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