24- A Dᴀɴɢᴇʀᴏᴜs Oʙsᴇssɪᴏɴ ᴘᴛ. ɪɪ [M]

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I was in the restaurant, to eat a quick snack before going to our room to help Jisoo unnie pack, well if she'd let me.

Lisa and Tzuyu walked over to me and sat at the same table with me.

My cheeks-- I mean my mouth was full, so I couldn't talk. I just looked at them with big eyes and Tzuyu smiled expectantly, waiting for me to finish, but Lisa just stared at me.

It was something along the line of a decent stare but still.. stop staring at me...

I swallowed my food and Tzuyu perked up.

"Hi Rosé" She smiled brightly and poked my cheek. "Aww, I just can't resist the urge to touch your chipmunk cheeks! Gahh!" She squealed and I placed my hands on my cheeks to shield them.

"No fair!" She laughed at me and chuckled afterwards.

She's really nice.

"It's totally fair" I grinned and she shrugged.

"Are you guys done packing yet?" She asked me.

"Uhh, Jisoo unnie already started packing so... maybe" I said and she nodded idly.

We both looked at Lisa and she looked mad, like, really mad.

"Lis, are you o--"

Lisa cut Tzuyu off by standing up and punching the wall so hard it was stained with her blood.

"Lisa.. why did you do that?" I walked up to her with Tzuyu by my side.

I know I should be staying away from her but I won't pick my plate up and leave when she's hurt so badly. Even though she did hurt herself.

I reached out for her hand and held it but she trapped me to the wall savagely, growling at me.

I got scared by her sudden outburst and yelped.

Tzuyu tried to help me but one look from Lisa made the poor girl think it through.

"Lisa.. please stop this..." I begged her. I was starting to overbreathe due to fear and her features relaxed.

"But why should I? I like you alot Chaeyoung.. I really do... please, please give me a chance. Forget about everything for a moment"

"I'm sorry but I can't. I love Jisoo and it's always gonna be like that until the day I die..."

"WHY!" She punched the wall beside my head and I flinched.

"Why's it always her? Does your life have to be about Jisoo?! Can't you think about anything else? Is she that special? Tell me!" She shouted at me and I looked into her eyes.

"Yes. But she isn't special, she's not my life either" I began and she looked confused. "Jisoo IS my life, and you'd better accept that because I can't leave her for you or anyone else" I said confidently but it only made her even more angrier than before.

She grabbed me and pulled me to herself.

"I don't care about any of the bullshit you just said Roseanne. All I care about is us, and I'm gonna get you tonight, whether you like it or not" She said through grit teeth and I got worried.

"W-what do you mean? Lisa!" I shouted when she started dragging me along with her.

"Lisa stop this, what you're doing is wrong!" Tzuyu held her hand that was holding mine.

"Do you think I care? And stay out of this, I don't wanna hurt you"

"Do you think I care about that too?" Tzuyu stood up to Lisa but Lisa just pushed her aside and forcefully dragged me to their room.

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