23- A Dᴀɴɢᴇʀᴏᴜs Oʙsᴇssɪᴏɴ

599 27 7


I pushed Tzuyu back slowly. I didn't feel contented with her anymore. The sensation wasn't the same anymore.


"I don't want to. I'm not in the mood" I breathed and looked away from her. I just didn't want to see her anymore.

"What do you mean Lisa?"

"I... just stay away from me" I don't know where that came from but it felt good enough for me.

"But Li--"

I walked away from her and all of them.

I sat by the pool, my legs dangling from the edge and I felt helpless.

Why does it have to be like this? Why can't things work out?

I sighed and ran my thumb over my bottom lip.

Tzuyu sat next to me quietly. I was about to say something but she pressed her hand to my mouth.

"I'm not here as your mistress, Lisa"

Her bluntness almost made me feel bad for her but I held it in. "I'm here as your friend. You can talk to me, okay?" She told me honestly and I looked back at her sadly.

She placed her hand on top of mine and I moved my head down to look but she held my face up and placed our foreheads together.

"It's okay" She sniffled and I suddenly felt myself placing my head on her lap.

"I didn't mean to make you cry Tzuyu... I feel bad about that... s-sorry" I breathed out the foreign word like it was a poison that had been stuck on my tongue.. since.. forever.

Even Tzuyu must have been surprised too because I heard a little gasp.

"I'm... sorry Tzuyu" I sniffled and she caressed my hair.


Sitting on the floor like this with Jisoo was comforting and it really made me feel better about whatever had been happening here before.

"I miss Seoul, Jisoo unnie" I placed my hand on her stomach and she kissed the top of my head.

"We all do. I mean we need to get back there so I can make Irene pay for nearly killing my unborn babies" Seulgi glanced at Irene and she cringed.

"How are you gonna make her pay?" Jisoo unnie asked eagerly and I slapped her stomach.

"What? I just want to know"

"We really need to get back to Seoul" I shook my head and she gave me that naughty smirk.

"Man, get a room" Seulgi rolled her eyes and Jisoo just held me close to herself.

"I love you babo" I whispered against her chest and could feel her heartbeat, it went faster and I was sure, right there and then that she truly loved me. I knew that in the past but this really sums it up.

"I love you too Chipmunk... I really do" She grabbed my hand and I felt a tear drop right in my hair.

"You're crying?" I sat up and she looked at me.

"I just love you so much Rosé..." She sniffled and I hugged her.

"I can't help it at times... I wonder what it would be like if we didn't meet on that day... I wonder what it would be like if I didn't offer to help Irene.." She wrapped her arms around me tightly and I buried my face in the crook of her neck.

"Please don't think about that Jisoo unnie... I can't imagine that. I'm destined to meet, and, love a babo like you.. I mean, you can't even dress yourself properly for your own MVs. I need to take care of you!" I clutched to her tightly like I would just... never see her again in the next second..

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