12- Tᴡɪʟɪɢʜᴛ Aғᴛᴇʀ Sᴜɴsᴇᴛ

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Thank you for your support everyone, I love you!


I don't know how but I stayed back at Rosé's house and left after breakfast.

I couldn't help but miss her so I called her when I was going to my dad's office.

She answered on the second ring.

"Uhm hi" I smiled to myself.

"Hi unnie. How are you?" She asked me.

"I'm not okay. I miss you Chipmunk"

"I miss you too Jisoo unnie. What are we gonna do?"

"Go on a date" I heard Irene's voice in the background.

That's not a bad idea though.

"Unnie?" Rosé called me and I shook it off.

"Yes? That was Irene right?"

"Yeah. It was her. Do you think we should go out on a date unnie?" She asked carefully.

"Yes. We should. Wherever you want" I said and I could imagine her smiling.

"I have something else in mind unnie" She said and I had the feeling she was sitting down.

"What could that be? A tour?" I smirked.

"No. You'll know later. Pick me up by five thirty?" She asked and I twirled my keys in my hand.

"Sure. What are you gonna wear?"

"Something something"

"What what?" I got eager to know.

"A slap on your face, babo"

"How about a kiss anywhere you want, instead?" I asked and she sighed.

"Hang up babo" She whined.

"Don't you love me anymore?"

"I do. But you have to let time pass by, right?" She asked and I thought about it.

"Okay. You hang up first"

"No, you hang up"

"No, I'LL hang up" I heard Irene's voice again and the call was ended.

I wonder what she's doing to my Chipmunk... she's so mean.

"Jisoo yah" My dad called me and I walked up to give him a bear hug.

"Annyeong Dad" I gave him a warm smile and he patted my hair.

"I'm sorry I couldn't meet your new girlfriend Jisoo" He looked genuinely sorry and I patted his cheek.

"It's okay Dad. Mom was there. Don't worry" I held his shoulders.

"Thank you. I hope I'll be able to meet her soon" He said and I nodded.

I spent the day with him and we took a little drive around Seoul.

"Oh. Uhm Dad, can we stop now? It's almost five and I have to meet Rosé by five thirty" I told him.

"Aw, my daughter has grown up. Since when did you keep to appointments?" He asked and took a bite of his ice cream.

"Since when I met my Chipmunk" I chuckled and he messed up my hair.

"So you call her your Chipmunk, hm?" He laughed and I joined him.

He drove back to the office and I kissed his cheek then drove away in my own car.

I got to Rosie's house by five twenty and she waved at me from her window so I smiled and waved back.

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