18- Rᴏsᴇs Fᴏʀ Rᴏsᴇ́

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The doctor let Rosé leave that same day and I carried her just the way I brought her in.

But I saw Lisa in the waiting room.

"Chaeyoung.." She stood up quickly and walked up to us but I stepped back.

"How do you know her name?" I asked her.

"I wasn't talking to you" She retorted and I stared at her.

"Jisoo unnie, let's go. I'm tired" Rosé said and I took her to the car, leaving Lisa there.

I put Rosé in the car but Lisa pulled me back.

"Rosé.. I'm sorry I let you fall. Please forgive me. I.. I didn't do it on purpose" She tried to touch Rosé but I pulled her back and grabbed her collar.

"Don't you dare touch her Lisa" I warned her but she took my hands off.

"Who's gonna stop me? You?"

"I won't let you near her" I told her and she smirked.

"Where were you when I kissed her?" She asked and I almost punched her but Rosé held my fist.

"Please don't fight with her. This is a public place and someone could see you" She pleaded and I let my guard down.

"See that? She doesn't even want you to hit me, how do you like that?" She asked me and I felt myself burning with rage.

"I only stopped her because her reputation would be affected if someone saw you guys fighting. Even you yourself know how much I hate you" Rosé said and I watched Lisa's smile disappear.

"Ch--" Rosé didn't let her finish as she took me to the car and got in herself.


Jisoo carried me up the stairs and gently laid me on the bed.

"Sorry" She said when I winced.

"You must be hungry, wait here, I'll make lunch for you" She made to get up but I held her arm.

"Can you cook?" I asked her.

"Of course. I can" She assured me and from the look on her face, she wasn't joking.


I decided to keep myself busy by playing Jenga. But the blocks kept toppling over.

"Rosé, what are you doing? The doctor asked you to rest" Jisoo came in with my lunch and took the Jenga away.

"But I was bored" I told her and she sat next to me.

"But you have to rest pasta. If you don't, it could be dangerous for your neck" She held my face in her hands.

"Okay. I'll do it for you. IF, you give me a kiss" I smirked mischievously and she chuckled then kissed me softly but my neck started to hurt when I began to tilt my head so she pulled away immediately.

"I'm sorry Pasta" She said worriedly and fixed my pillow then laid me back on the bed.

"It's not your fault, I asked you to" I told her but she looked guilty. "Just feed me. I can't do it myself" I said cutely and she looked at me with a smile.

"It's not like I'd let you do anything on your own. I'm gonna be your personal butler now" She told me animatedly.


"Of course. I just have to talk your parents after this--"

"No please, don't tell them"

"Why? You're their daughter. I'd want to know if my daughter sprained her neck" She said and grabbed the food.

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