8- Nᴇᴡ Fᴀᴍɪʟʏ Tɪᴇs

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"Is your mom... in?" Jisoo unnie peeped inside my house and I rolled my eyes.

"Actually she's in Cleveland-- of course she's in, she invited you for dinner" I stressed and pulled her in forcefully.

"Can't we just do this on Skype?"

"No" I said blankly and took her to the dining room with me.

"Wow, this place looks stunning-- did you make the blueprints?"

"Yeah" I nodded.

"Jisoo! You made it, mom's been dying to see you!" Alice gave Jisoo unnie a hug.


"It's a figure of speech"

"Oh. Where's Jimin?"

"He's with our dad. They'll be down in a second" Alice said and Jisoo unnie looked concerned for a moment.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I'm okay" She kissed my cheek and I blushed.

Just then, my mom walked down the stairs with my dad and Jimin.

"This must be Jisoo" Dad said and I went to give him a hug.

"Annyeonghaseyo" Jisoo bowed respectfully and I looked at my parents. They were smiling delightfully.

"Don't be so formal Jisoo, you're like family now" My dad said and she smiled at him.

"Thank you for saying that sir" Jisoo said and he opened his arms widely.

Alice nudged her elbow and Jisoo gave my dad a hug, taking the hint.

"Ahem" My mom cleared her throat.

"Oh. Where are my manners?" Jisoo chuckled and gave my mom a hug as well.

I think she's starting to like Jisoo. Well she never disliked her.

"Come on. Let's eat" My dad gestured for Jisoo to sit and she pulled a chair out for me.

I blushed and got seated.

"So, Jisoo, I heard you're working on your new MV. How's that going?" Dad asked Jisoo.

"It's going pretty well sir--"

"Don't call me that. Call me dad" He requested and Jisoo's eyes widened.

"Oh.. okay" She shook her head cutely and I smiled.

"You can call me mom too" My mom added and Jisoo gasped quietly and looked at me.

"Okay. Thank you" She managed to say and I held her hand under the table.

She smiled at me and squeezed my hand lovingly.

"Ahem" Jimin cleared his throat and I realised everyone was looking at us with alot of expectation and creepy smiles.

Halfway through the dinner, I 'accidentally' spilled juice on Jisoo's pants and she freaked out like any normal person would.

"Oh my! Jisoo are you okay?" Alice unnie asked her.

"You have to help her you clumsy Chipmunk" Jimin pointed at me while munching on his cupcake.

"I'm sorry Jisoo, it just slipped" I helped her stand up.

"Rosé, help her out" My mom said knowingly and I blushed.

I took Jisoo upstairs to my room and into my bathroom.

I took Jisoo upstairs to my room and into my bathroom

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