9- Dɪɴɴᴇʀ Aɴᴅ A Sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛ

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I was waiting outside my house when Jisoo's car pulled up and a smile crept up my face when I saw her.

I walked up to her car and she got out and opened the door for me.

I got in with a smile and she was still looking at me but I was looking at her tattoo. I was looking forward to seeing it right from the start.

She picked up my hand from my thigh and kissed it which caused me to take a deep breath and she looked up at me.

"You look amazing" She said, still holding my hand and my heart fluttered because of the way she said it.

"Am I stunning?" I asked and she gasped.

"You're so much more than that" She said and stole a kiss from me and I gasped, covering my mouth.

"You.." I ended up laughing and she closed my door then walked to the other side and got into the car, avoiding my eyes but when she looked at me, it felt magical.

Gosh... I'm falling for this girl more and more with every passing moment spent with her, or her thoughts...

She leaned closer and I backed up, feeling shy all of a sudden but she leaned in and kissed me passionately.

I held the back of her head and kissed back with the same passion.

We pulled away and she placed her forehead on mine, holding the back of my neck.

"Are you ready?" She asked me quietly and I nodded.


We got to Jisoo's house in about ten minutes and I would be lying if I said the place was pretty. It's so gorgeous!

"Shall we?" She held her arm out to me and I hooked our arms together.

We walked in together and my heart started beating fast all of a sudden and Jisoo stopped at the door.

She looked at me and my eyes widened.

Can she hear it?

"I know you're worried" She started and I gulped. "But you shouldn't be. My mother likes you alot. Don't worry" She cupped my cheek.

"If you want, I can postpone--" I placed my hand on her mouth and nodded no.

"No, don't" I said and she pushed my head so we kissed.

"Unnie, really?" I said and she chuckled then hugged me.

"Yes. Let's go in" She held my hand and we walked in together.

"Rosé" Her mom welcomed me with a heavenly smile and opened her arms just like my dad did for Jisoo.

I looked at Jisoo and she nodded so I gave her mom a big hug.

"It's so nice to finally meet you dear" She said when we broke our hug and I felt there was something about her that was homey and cosy, yet elegant.

"I've been wanting to meet you too uhmm.. can I.. call you... mum?" I asked and she grinned.

"That's what I had in mind. You can call me mom" She held my hands and I smiled.

"Mum" I said and she hugged me again.

Jisoo led us to the dining room where we served ourselves and we talked about things like mine and Jisoo's career, my family, how we meet and stuff. Her mom was really interested in the story of how we met.

"I thought she was just a fan. But to be honest, I was captivated by her. She was really beautiful and I thought she was so real and so carefree" Jisoo told her mom honestly and I blushed. She looked really happy when she talked about me.

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