11- Pᴇʀᴍᴀɴᴇɴᴛʟʏ Sᴛᴜᴄᴋ Oɴ Yᴏᴜ

607 28 11


After the party, I went back to Jisoo unnie's house with her, her mom and, Lisa.

"So, you're spending the night here?" Lisa asked me when we got home.

"Yes, I am" I said and held Jisoo unnie's hand.

Lisa looked at our hands with an annoyed expression and rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. Goodnight" She said and rushed up the stairs.

"Don't worry about her" Jisoo unnie said and picked me up in her arms.

"I won't. I have you to worry about" I said and pinched her nose then placed my hands on her shoulders.

"That's true, you do, my little Chipmunk" She smiled and went up the stairs carefully.

"Why are you so careful when you're with me? You're usually fast and agile" I asked her and she smiled.

"Because you're my crystal. And I would never want to drop you, no matter how much you cut me" She told me and stopped for a while.

"Do you really mean it, babo?" I asked her and she laughed.

"I do. It's not a song of mine. But it's from my heart" She said honestly and I hugged her.

"I love you, babo" I sniffled and she chuckled.

"You're so emotional, you little Chipmunk" She said and continued walking.

She took me to her room and placed me on the bed.

She made to leave but I held her hand.

"Where are you going?" I asked her innocently.

"I want to take a bath. I feel sweaty"

"So do I" I said and stood up.

"Okay, I can take you to the guest room if you w--"

I pressed my index finger to her lips and turned my back to her, making sure my hair was out of the way.

She understood and unzipped my dress, letting it fall just below my elbows and she pulled me to herself, wrapping her arms around me and I smiled.

"My Chipmunk is getting naughty, hm?" She asked me and I tried to remove her hands but she was stronger than me. I didn't want to go away from her either.

"I learnt from you, babo" I placed my hands on top of hers and she traced my neck with her nose and I shuddered.

"Can I show you something else?"

"Hmm.. okay" I agreed and she picked me up again.

But this time she took me to the mini room where her bathroom was and I kissed her cheek.


I woke up and turned to the other side of the bed only to see Rosé's beautiful face staring back at me.

This is a wonderful way to wake up..

I moved the hair away from her face and kissed her forehead.

She smiled in her sleep and held my hand.

"Babo?" She didn't open her eyes.

"Yes Chipmunk?" I answered and she giggled.

"You're a babo"

"I'm your babo" I smiled and she opened her eyes gracefully.

"So you finally admit to it"

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