26- Cᴀɴ'ᴛ Gᴇᴛ Yᴏᴜ Oᴜᴛ Oғ Mʏ Mɪɴᴅ

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It's been a month since Rosé poured her heart out to me but I've not forgotten about it.

I've been thinking about it alot, even during my shoots, concerts and interviews.

She even noticed when we went to the hospital to have her neck brace taken off.


I helped her get on the bed and the doctor smiled at us reassuringly.

I reached out and held her hand.

"You've been waiting for this moment, right?" I had asked her and she nodded.

"Hold still Mrs Kim, this will be over soon" The doctor told her and she blushed but I smiled.

It was a misunderstanding we both never wanted to clear up.

It's something I wanna keep hearing all the time.

Rosé looked up at me shyly and I smirked.

She bit her bottom lip and looked down nervously.

I caressed her hand and she looked up at me immediately.

"It's done. You're good to go Mrs Kim" The doctor said and Rosé blushed even more.

She got off the bed and hugged me.

I had to admit, our hug felt different and more complete since the neck brace was off.

"I love you" She stood on her tippy toes and whispered in my ear and I smirked.

"I love you too Mrs Kim" I said and she tugged at my shirt timidly and I could tell she was smiling.


That was a month ago but I still remember it.

Jimin and I went out together since I asked him out. Not that kind of asking out, mind you.

I wanted to ask him something important.

"If this is about Rosé, I didn't steal her cherry lipstick, I know nothing about it" He defended himself once we got seated and I raised a brow.

"No, it's not about that. Tho, how would I know about that? I'm not a wizard, Jimin" I said and handed him a menu.

"Oh. Then I'm glad about that, no need to hide this" He said and whipped out a cherry lipstick from his hoodie's pocket and applied it to his lips expertly.

"Okay, now that that's over with-- it suits you by the way" I relaxed in my seat and he pointed the cherry lipstick at me.

"I know right?" He chuckled childishly, at the same time boyishly and the waiter took our orders.

"So, uhm, why did you call me here?" He asked as he sipped his juice through a straw.

"Oh, yeah about that. Did Rosé have any specific wish about me back then before we met? Like any fangirl desires?" I asked him and he slurped loudly.

"Yeah. She does. But what do I get if I tell you?"

"Anything you want. A Ferrari, a penthouse, money, a backstage pass for IU's upcoming concert--"

He dropped his glass as soon as he heard IU's name and I almost jumped.

"Are you serious? That's like VERY EXPENSIVE!" He whisper yelled.

"I'm an Idol? Kim Jisoo right here, hello?" I waved my hand in front of his face and he thought about it.

"Would that be like... okay? For me to accept the pass? It's ex--"

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