[v] Dream business

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Jimin's POV

Jin hyung left after signing all the documents and we were getting back to work , trying not to be depressed . He surely made us laugh before leave ...

I was looking through few mails and found out that there was a problem with our product . One of our rivals had reported that our drugs consists of dangerous chemicals which would affect one's brain and stuff ..like
What the hell ?? We've been curing lakhs of people with the same drug and earned a good name too .. now these rats are jealous ?

Jimin: Hobi hyung..
I whispered softly but he didn't reply . Something's up with him ... He isn't being himself . Lost in someother world .

Jimin: HOBI HYUNG!!!
I yelled a little and he finally replied

Jh: yes jimin ? What's wrong ??

Jimin: hyung what happened to y-

Before I could finish my sentence he snatched the tab from me with widened eyes

Jh: what ?? These people again ? What did they report this time ?

Jimin: I don't understand shit .. read it by yourself

Hobi hyung read the whole thing and started smiling softly

Jimin: why do you look happy for that?

Jh: these people are so stupid . I can solve this in seconds hahaha

Hobi hyung is a professional doctor and also has additional degrees .. his work is beyond perfect . The way he always handles the people who wrongly report us gets them crazy. 

He kept typing and doing other stuff like world's fastest typer . After few minutes , he looked at me

Jh: he'll go nuts now .

I read what he replied and started laughing . I didn't completly understand the medical terms but his answer was savage yet meaningful .

Jimin: ahh awesome hyung !!

He smiled again.

Jimin: hyung can I ask you something?

Jh: yeah sure jiminah
He gave a cheerful smile

Jimin: stop acting hyung .. I already sensed that something's bothering you .. there's no use of pretending . Please let me help you

Jh: aa....

Jimin: take your time .. but not more than 2 minutes .. haha

I tried to joke but he'd already entered that other world again

I patiently waited so that he could open up but all he did was just gaze at a magazine on the table .

Jimin: hyung .. what wrong ?

Jh: I'm not a good person .. I don't value love .. I don't know how to treat people ... All I do is just use people when I need and not stay beside them when they need me . Only thing which is important to me is me .. my career .. my time . I-

Jimin: stop it hyung ? Whom are you even talking about ?? What's wrong with you ? You're the sweetest person I've known

I saw tears in his eyes which he had no more strength to hold in . It wasn't the first time he's trying to hold in his tears but this time he was helpless . His tears gained their freedom and started flowing .

I hugged him immediately and comforted him . He didn't move a bit ... Just kept sobbing softly in my embrace

Jh: jimin ... Please tell me the truth .. I'm a really bad person right ? I don't value people .. I'm selfish na ?

The Unexpected Love - Book 2 [A BTS OT7 Fanfiction] (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now