[xxiii] No alternative

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Jungkook's POV

Jk: ok so I need you people to inform the hospital about our plan to avoid any mistakes at that moment . The main point is they shouldn't question her anything . Everything should go on smoothly .
And there's no plan B if we fail this because Y/n will become triple conscious if this fails .. which means you people can imagine your state ...
I want everything to be done as soon as possible .

'Yes boss' was their reply before rushing towards the hospital .

Daniel: don't worry boss . I'll take care of everything . I'm sure we can find Y/n with your amazing plan .

Jk: hopefully .

As I was advising him about further arrangements, the door opened with a bang .

Jk: hyung?? W-why are you here ? How do you know I'm here?

Jin: Jungkookah I know everything .. Taehyung had told me you haven't left the mafia ..but keep that aside for now ..tell me what are you gonna do? Please tell us and proceed

This is what we've been following since our mafia was formed , we inform everything and anything to Jin hyung , whether it's a very small or huge matter . And looks like Taehyung hyung had followed the same rule ... he's disclosed my secret . But I guess it's fine until they don't stop me from doing my things .

Jk: hyung you'll get to know in few hours .. be patient .

Jin: no I don't wanna know the result . I wanna know what you're gonna do before you start . Hobi has informed me that you were upset and you yourself know what'll happen if you take decisions in this state .. so think before you do , tell me and proceed .

Jk: only if you're not gonna stop me .

Jin: ahh fine . Spill the tea

Jk: so I'm gonna spread a fake news about Tae hyung telling "he's met with an accident and is in the ICU at present . He's to undergo a surgery and doctors tell that there's only 5% sucess rate .. so he's wishing to speak to the most precious woman in his life before he could die ...".
So this news is gonna spread all over Korea and other countries too .. so Y/n would definitely read it . So she's gonna come to meet hyung and that time I thought I can talk to her personally and reveal his actual state.. how much pain he's going through , which he doesn't deserve . I'll plead to her to come back to his life. Hoping that she'll understand and cure hyung.

Jin: hmm .. feels like this is a good plan . I'm with you for this .. even though it might sound like we're pranking or playing with feelings .. I see no other better option .

Jk: thanks for supporting hyung . I've almost made all the arrangements . We've to just pray that Y/n turns up tomorrow and the rest is on us .. we've to request her .

Jin: yes .. I'll bring hobi too .. he'll explain his actual condition .

Jk: yes that would be better . And I want one of them to be with V hyung and make sure he doesn't recieve the fake news .. you know it's gonna get more messed up if that happens . His mind isn't stable ..

Jin: yes .. let's ask Jimin to be with him the whole day tomorrow .

Jk: ok-

Jh : Jungkookah what are you doing ?

Jk: hyung you're here too ?!

Jh: yes .. jin hyung called me earlier .

Jin: yeah I'd called him earlier to accompany me to this place but he's late .

Jh: there was an emergency .. I'm sorry . So what are you both upto ?

Jin hyung explained the plan to him and he was shook

Jh: guys do you think this is good ? We're making fun of Y/n's feelings .. what if she gets angry when she finds out that we lied and just walks away before we even speak to her .. it's like we're making it impossible for Taehyung to cure anymore .

Jk: but hyung .. trust me .. we're gonna take care of it . We'll give our best . Let's have faith in ourselves .. we've to help both of them . They both love eachother so much .. it's not like Y/n hates V hyung right? Our job is to just request her to meet hyung and show pity on him .. that's all after that it's all magic of love

Jh: umm ok .. I too feel there no other go ...so let's do it.
But why can't we make Taehyung meet Y/n at the hospital itself ?

Jk: hyung that was what was in my mind earlier .. the issue is what if Y/n comes , finds out it's all a lie and gets mad and runs away before we talk .. just as you said . At that point if V hyung gets back all his memories back at the sight of Y/n ? What'll happen to his mental state ? After remembering Y/n what if the situation turns out like he's to let Y/n go-

Jh: omg no no no .. that's worstttt . Don't go any further

Jk: yeah .. and if we think about the other possibility, what if Y/n doesn't turn up at all? V hyung is already upset with us due to these medical checks and stuff , and it's gonna be hard for us to convince him to come to a hospital and sit without telling him the reason .. he's not gonna agree at any cost .. he's not even willing to meet us , he wants to be alone . Let's give him some space , do all the work behind and gift him the result. Even if we make up some lie and get him to the hospital and make him wait all day .... It's just useless if Y/n doesn't come right..

Jh: god there's no alternative for this plan . We've to go with this .
By the way when did you tell that you're gonna spread the new ?

Jk: tomorrow..

~To be continued...

Surprise peeps !!! I'm back!
Thanks for continuing :,-)
I know I'm late but I'm hereee..
Hope y'all are doing great .. so I'm gonna publish every weekend , n gonna complete the story without another break ^_^
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