[ix] where's Y/n??

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Yunha's POV

I was eagerly waiting for Y/n to visit my store . She was really excited when she got to know about my business startup and wanted to see with her own eyes . She told she'll be here but she's late again . But this time too late .

Hmm.. I guess I better call her .
I thought to myself and dailed her number . It took a few rings and she picked

On the call :

Yunha: heyy Y/nnn.. where are you ?

Y/n: a.. actually it'll take time . I'm caught up in some work .. sorryyyy

Yunha: ohhh .. it's ok . Come asap
I told sadly

Y/n: ahh ok I'll be there .

As I was gonna cut the call I heard her telling bye . I was gonna reply casually but realised the voice wasn't from the phone .. wat ?

Y/n: now hii

She came out of her great hiding place with a bright smile .

Yunha : woahh .. when will you stop pranking me ?

Y/n: hmm.. maybe after you get married .

Yunha : waaat? Where's the connection
I asked with widened eyes and my mouth froze open , waiting for an answer

Y/n: haha look at your face . You look so funny lol .
I rolled my eyes playfully
I was just kidding . I'm never gonna stop playing with you hehe

Yunha: ohh glad to know
I pouted and hugged her .

Y/n: wow these are so gorgeous . Why don't you gift me some ? Hm

Yunha: we'll see haha

Y/n: ok then I'm gonna rob some .

Yunha: godd don't spoil your husband's reputation by doing those things.

Y/n: too late . He's already spoilt .

Yunha: what did you do?

Y/n: you know what ? When we were in Dubai , he and I stole some bracelets .

Yunha: what bracelets ??

Y/n: only two duh ..
And you know what ? He didn't agree at the beginning . He started stating some life values , facts .. and what not . But then I brain washed him lol

I glared at her .

Y/n: it's all so fun you know ?

Yunha: ya ya .. don't you dare steal anything from here .

Y/n: challenge accepted

Yunha: I'm gonna do some security check before you go .
And wait why were you late by the way ? Stole something on the way ??

Y/n: ayy no .. actually I was feeling dizzy in the morning . I don't know why . My head was aching and all the nauseous feeling you know .

Yunha: why all of a sudden ..

Y/n: I really don't know .

Yunha: better you go and get it checked . What if I get a cute little baby to call me auntieee and ask how are you so cute and why's my mom not like you ? And who'll play with me an-

Y/n: woah woah calm down sweetheart . Come out of your imaginations .
Heyy .. what's this ?

Yunha: this is a .....

The Unexpected Love - Book 2 [A BTS OT7 Fanfiction] (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now